Thursday, January 05, 2023

Brave, brave, brave child


 Shhh! Don't tell Amanda! She'll find out soon enough! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

 Note: Everyone in our family has a very good sense of humor, and we play with each other often. 

 So, Amanda left two large plastic spiders for me to find in my bed and bathroom. I jumped at the first one and laughed at the second. Then I went looking to find the prankster. 

 Hannah: "I warned her not to do it. I told her that if she played with you, YOU WILL play back with her. She said she wasn't worried because she doesn't live here anymore and would be gone when you find them." 

She forgets I have a key to her house. I have washed her dishes, left her chocolate on her pillow, fed her pets, and left her meals before. This time, I am leaving her something else. 

 I purchased 240 plastic spiders just for my darling daughter. Clint said I should buy another package of 240 of them. I love that man and the way he thinks!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

Clint, Hannah, Emily, and I are going to hide them ALL OVER her house. With what I have planned, she will find them for years. ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Knowing her, she will collect and display them in a glass bottle for the chuckle and memory keeping.