Saturday, July 31, 2021

Repost: Lysine and Arginine and Coronavirus Covid-19

An overwhelming amount of science and, of course, history itself shows us that when viruses mutate, they become easier to spread but have a much lower mortality rate. With the Delta mutation of the CoVid virus, I will keep my family on the same protocol which is below.

For my family and friends who are fearful: Turn off the TV which is constantly streaming bad news and spreading fear. Then try these things: Put your faith into practice. Open your Bible and study. Pray. Ask God for strength to overcome your fear. Listen to praise and worship music. Remember Who God is, what He has done, and what He will do. Realize His mightiness. Speak aloud His promises. Sing those praise and worship songs. Put a bracelet on that reminds you of your commitment to having faith instead of fear. You will be just as fearful or faithful as you make your mind up to be. Self discipline your mind. As you pull a fear weed, plant some faith. Tend to it as often as needed and allow it to bear fruit. I did that for hyperemesis gravidarum, miscarriage, and stillbirth. I was not perfect in it, but I did not live in fear. I continued to function and go forward where God led even though I knew it would be challenging. If I can do that as flawed as I am, then you can do that also. If we can choose to give forgiveness and choose love over hate, then we can choose faith over fear. My love to all!

Below was first posted: March 19, 2020.

Two of my children will get ulcers inside of their mouths if they eat too many peanuts or other foods high in arginine. We learned the amino acid lysine blocks arginine and have had success in treating the ulcers with it. They went from nearly constant sores to NONE. It is rare they have a sore at all now. I also treat my EBV (also a virus) with l-lysine supplementation, and it has helped noticeably. 

Yesterday, I was contemplating why two of my children were hit harder than the others with this latest virus. It popped into my head that they are the two with the arginine issue, so I told the one who still lives at home to take a large dose of l-lysine. Within several hours, he was shockingly improved! He went from achey, tired, and congested and "I am going to miss work tomorrow." to active, alert, and "I am going to work tomorrow." He looked and sounded so much better so fast.

The sudden turnaround made my gears start turning. 

Here is what I found:

"Arginine is an essential requirement for the replication of viruses and progression of viral infections."

"It’s thought that lysine blocks another amino acid called arginine"

"Since viruses do not respond to antibiotics or most other traditional treatments, a healthy diet is the best way to encourage healing. Protect your body from susceptibility to viruses by lowering your intake of arginine and increasing your intake of another basic amino acid, lysine. Lysine boosts your body’s immunity and could protect you from future outbreaks."

"Supplements  – I use these for suppressing EBV reactivation
      1. Monolauren: 1800 mg twice daily
      2. Olive Leaf: 1000-1500 mg twice daily
      3. L-Lysine: 1000-1500 mg twice daily
      4. Cat’s Claw tincture: 30-60 drops twice daily

When viruses diminish due to these treatments it isn’t because any of these things attack the virus, but instead they help put your body in a state that isn’t ideal for the virus to reproduce. Hopefully, this strengthens your immune system and returns this typically harmless virus back to it’s benign state."

L-Lysine and the others listed might be worth researching on your own as a possible way to prevent and treat coronavirus (Covid-19 Wuhan Virus) along with other viruses. Love to all, Mama Asbell