Sunday, November 28, 2021

53 Years Closer

I can say pretty much the same as I did on preceding birthdays about this last circle around the sun. God has been so very good to me. I am healthy. I am abundantly blessed in many ways. He answered the prayers I asked last year on my birthday.

May He continue to grow me and use me for His glory. 

If you would like to give me a gift for my birthday, share the gospel with someone today. Make it a priority. 

This is brief because my family is in the final stages of yet another project. Maybe in another week or two, we will have completed another big job! I have not even had time to share about all that is going on in our lives. We stand in awe of His leading, timing, and provision! (To clarify, I was home for my birthday. I was away from home when I made the post.)

I am also away from home trying to run both home and several other ventures. I am also preparing to help move a household to another location. Life is moving along!

My love to all! Keep looking UP! 

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12