Friday, January 21, 2022

Grocery Shelves

These links go to albums of pictures from two Food Lions in our county. We did not purchase anything. We went there solely to see the condition of the shelves. A local friend said she had to put half her meat back due to limits (aka rationing). 

Since the Monster Truck Jam has been rescheduled, Clint is going to swing by Sams Club on his way home tonight.

Food Lion Hargett Blvd Gloucester, VA Jan 20, 2022

YRC Food Lion Jan 20, 2022

My reply to one person who asked if I liked what I was seeing:

"Firstly, I think what is going on is much bigger than President Biden. He is just another puppet with someone else pulling the strings. That does not mean I am a fan of his...or anyone else's in political circles. I don't give my trust or pin any hopes on any politician. They are all human and easily corrupted. As a Bible-believing Christian, I know who is behind the evil, chaos, and confusion in this world. 

Secondly, no, I do not like what I am seeing. As a mother, this is not the country I wanted my children to inherit. However, God's plan is greater than anything I could imagine for my children, so that is where I find my peace. 

I have been following and documenting the food chain issues across the nation and other parts of the world since 2019...since the shelves started going bare in different places overseas. I figured it was heading our way too. This is the worst I have seen in my area. If it follows like other areas, it should get back to where it was or near where it was in a few weeks. We will have to wait and see if that trend follows here."