Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Simplicity of the Gospel

 “How does the thief on the cross fit into your theology? No baptism, no communion, no confirmation, no speaking in tongues, no mission trip, no volunteerism, and no church clothes. He couldn’t even bend his knees to pray. He didn’t say the sinner's prayer and among other things, he was a thief. Jesus didn’t take away his pain, heal his body, or smite the scoffers. Yet it was a thief who walked into heaven the same hour as Jesus simply by believing. He had nothing more to offer other than his belief that Jesus was who he said he was. No spin from brilliant theologians. No ego or arrogance. No Shiny lights, skinny jeans, or crafty words. No haze machine, donuts, or coffee in the entrance. Just a naked dying man on a cross unable to even fold his hands to pray.”

For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son so that whosoever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I read this today and was reminded of the simplicity of the Gospel.

I do not know the author of this, but I agree with it. There are many who try to make the gospel complicated, but it really is quite simple. To be saved, one simply has to believe in Jesus. Being (living as) a Christian by following Christ, costs us, but salvation is completely free. No matter who you are or what you have done, there is room for you at His table.

Btw, I was told all baptist believe baptism is required for salvation. I grew up in a Baptist church and not once was that taught. Personally, I know of no one from that church or any other baptist church who believes that. I am sure there are some who do, but that is not my experience. What that church did believe is that baptism is an act of obedience giving an outward showing of what has transpired in the life of the believer. Tithing and forgiving others are also examples of acts of obedience.