Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How to Fill Raised Beds and Containers without Breaking the Bank

I fill my raised beds and containers (old bathtubs, old refrigerators/freezers, 55 gallon barrel halves, old pots, 5-gallon buckets, etc) based off of the Hügelkultur growing method. I first fill it with debris that will compost over time and feed the plants. The depth will determine how much and the size of material I use. I finish filling from my compost bin.

I get bags of leaves, pine straw, sticks, grass clippings off of curbs for my garden. I also go through areas and pick up downed limbs, rotting trees, etc. Gardening will be as cheap or as expensive as you choose for it to be. Thinking outside of the box and being very resourceful will go a long, long way to keeping costs down.

My love to all. Happy Gardening!!