Sunday, February 27, 2022

Pray for Walter

Feb 27 a.m.- Walter is being discharged to go home as I type this. He does not have an NG tube.

Feb 26 a.m.-"Walters feeding trial is not going exactly as we hoped but they are going to keep him on it unless he vomits again. He has been up since 330 and is currently refusing a bottle after vomiting straight formula at 630. They are planning to do an X-ray to check NGtube placement in case we have to start using that again for feeds. They said one vomit during trial is ok but they don’t want more than that in the 24hr period."

Feb 24 a.m.- Walter is tolerating feeds through an NG tube well. He is not happy he can't eat by mouth and wants more food. He will have a swallow study sometime today if all goes well. Sarah says he's not out of the woods yet, but he's well on his way.

Feb 23rd: p.m.- Walter has been extubated and is breathing on his own. He can be held and comforted by his parents. He still has a long way to go, but he's making good progress.

a.m.-Walter is still in peditric ICU. He is fighting the sedation which is a good sign. He needs the sedation because he is intubated. Please keep praying for him. All of this is due to where they had to repair the connection from his mouth to his stomach when he was born. He was born without part of his esophagus. This area is weak and keeps closing on him causing the frightening choking episodes. Thank you for praying for my "niece's" son. My love to all!

Feb 22nd: Baby Walter had a choking episode right after a doctor's appointment at CHKD. It was very severe, and he went into cardiac arrest. He is now in the pediatric ICU. Please keep him in prayer.