Thursday, April 18, 2019

Choose Your Battles Wisely, Young Mothers


I do not say a word about how Caleb comes in the house because it is too important to me that he KEEPS COMING to show me his creations. It is his eagerness to include me in his life that I want to reinforce. Caleb is very considerate and helps clean the house, repairs things without anyone asking, and also works on our farm. Sweeping up after him now and then is no big deal. I love that he gets so excited about showing me his creations he forgets about the shavings clinging to him!

As a young child, I picked wildflowers from my yard that I thought were pretty. I gave them as a gift. "GET THOSE WEEDS OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" is what I received. My gift was rejected harshly, and my then tender child's heart was broken. I never took that person flowers I picked again. I took them to someone else who always welcomed them. I give thanks to God that lesson stayed in my heart, and it greatly shaped how I mother my children. I hope you can learn from it too, dear reader.

Be a wise woman, and BUILD your house. Think about what matters the most to you. It is easy enough to clean house, but it is not easy to mend a child's/person's heart. I'd rather keep a close relationship with my son than fuss over a few cedar shavings.