Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Father Daughter Date Today!!

Today is a special day for me. I set aside time with my Abba. Abba is an Aramaic term of endearment for "father." It is a name that shows intimacy, affection, respect, and deep love. It is the word used in Galatians 4:6 and in the opening of the Lord's Prayer which is our model for how to pray. I am spending time with the One who loves me more than any other. It's a high priority Father Daughter date that blesses me so much in so many ways.

It is much easier for me now that my children are older, but I managed to capture moments with Him even when I had a houseful of children and a long daily "to do" list. For me, it is a time to be still, keep quiet, and listen. I pray, read my Bible, and work through a Bible study. I may find a quiet spot and sit in a hammock and just talk freely with the Lord about whatever is on my heart. Sometimes it is something I plan and look forward to for weeks in advance. Other occasions are made on the spur of the moment when I see an opening.

For decades now, I have made time to spend time with my Father. It's time for me to rest and communicate with the One who not only claims He loved me but showed it in an extraordinary way. I have come to cherish these precious moments with Him more and more as I grow older. It's with excitement I pray "Lord, I am coming to you soon. What will you teach me today?"

Dear Reader, I hope you too make time to spend time one on one with the Almighty. 

Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 
Galatians 4:6