Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Perception vs Reality

A co-worker where my children work was serving a guest their food through the drive through window. The customer snarled and yelled, 

"You look like a satanist!" 

Then the customer continued to tear apart the girl's appearance. The lady was horrible to the young girl for no apparent reason.

The girl was young and new to the job. Choking back her tears, she politely said, 

"I am sorry you have that perception of me. I hope with time you will come to think of me differently." 

She maintained her politeness the rest of the way through the transaction impressing her co-workers and her bosses. 

There are many stories like this 

and this (Faults are Thick Where Love is Thin)

that the boys are sharing with us. 

We talk about them and use them to teach and remind our whole family. I try to share what I can here. There really isn't enough time in the day to write all that they are learning about godliness and life from their fellow employees!

I am so thankful my children work where they are being taught a lot more than food safety, food prep, and the business end of owning a restaurant. Their boss cares that they do their job well and wants to see each employee grow in character while they work there. They are also enjoying working together in a place that loves big, homeschooling families. God has answered many prayers through their place of employment.