Friday, May 17, 2019

Rejoicing in More of His Goodness in My Life



I love being 50 years old and having 11 and 10 year old children.

I am so thankful He led me here to this wonderful, joyful, and very fulfilling place in life! I do not feel like I have missed out on anything, but I do feel I have had a richer, fuller life because of the change in heart God gave me regarding childbearing.

If I had listened to the advice given to me of "Have your babies early, raise them up, get them out of your way, and then live your life!" I would have missed out on so very much joy. I sought the Lord, and He brought me here. I am so thankful!

All of His ways are good! You can safely trust in Him and follow where He leads!

Dear reader, in what areas of your life are you rejoicing in today? What areas can you surrender to Him now in obedience?