Sunday, July 07, 2019

Ideas Do Not Define What Is

Clint and I had this discussion with a group of young people who were claiming a Rock and Roll legend and Hall of Fame inductee did not sing rock and roll. Their ears are accustomed to modern rock and roll. They have no knowledge of the history of rock and roll and how it has evolved.

No matter what facts we presented, they refused to change their idea on this person's music and their perception of the music genre. As a group, they were emphatic, loud, and pushy in their opinions when we asked for facts to prove their point. They had no facts, but they had plenty of opinions and enthusiasm for their opinions.

This is how we turned it into a more valuable discussion:

"If you want argue with half centenarians who lived through the some of music history you are speaking of, you should at least take the time and effort to educate yourself with the facts. We can maintain our position calmly and firmly because we know the truth.

Your IDEAS about rock and roll are not the DEFINITION of rock and roll. Your desire for something to be a certain way does not define what it is. Opinions, even strongly held, are not facts and do not change the facts.

That's where people mess up with God. They want him to fit their ideas of Who they think He should be instead of taking the time and effort to learn Who He really is

We can't change rock and roll history, and no matter how hard we try, we can not reduce God to fit our desired definition of Him. We can choose to either believe and try to perpetuate the version we create with our notions, or we can study, learn, acknowledge, and teach the truth. Rock and Roll has history you can study. God reveals Himself to us in The Holy Bible."

Dear Reader, please consider joining us in praying that God will reveal Himself to these young people and our blog readers in a life changing way.