Wednesday, July 24, 2019

One Foot in Front of the Other

This life gets really hard. It can be difficult to keep pushing forward in some circumstances. Some days, you want to give up. 

My father passed on some wisdom he gained from the army.  He repeated it often over the course of my upbringing. It's one of the good things I carry with me.

"The army taught me how to march. Some days you need to just keep putting one foot in front of the other." 

I've tried to do that when the hard days came. 

Sometimes I'd repeat that to myself and add, "Just do the next thing."

The slow march keeps me in the race on the days I can't run well. 

But, it's OK that I'm a little slower than normal because...

I'm still moving forward, and I haven't given up.

I hope this helps you, dear reader, when you are struggling with life's hard circumstances. Life is a crazy ride! I hope you are able to "keep putting one foot in front of the other" on your hard days too.