Thursday, July 11, 2019

Engine Study or Spontaneous Teaching

picts were taken in March
I am very behind on sharing pictures.



The girls loved the engine study (affiliate link) and learned a lot!

I intended to teach so I could pick up more knowledge about engines. I asked Bethany to prep the first lesson for me while I paid bills online. Before I could finish, she had started teaching herself and her sisters from the manual which gave explanations of the parts. I got ready to jump in and felt that quiet voice tell me to reap the fruit of my years of labor while she learned to teach. So, I quietly watched because gaining knowledge and then giving it in a way others can comprehend easily is also a valuable skill for Bethany to acquire.

Amanda dropped by on another day while lessons were in progress. She had worked a 12 hour midnight shift. I saw the tiredness leave her face as she jumped in and excitedly took over sharing her knowledge. She has inherited her grandfather's and father's natural mechanical ability. Amanda has torn down and rebuilt an engine with guidance and very, very limited help from Clint. She is very good at car repair and often helps others for free as a personal ministry. When Amanda was finished with the lesson, I told her she was a natural teacher. She did very well breaking down what she knows for her younger sisters.