Saturday, July 13, 2019

Reach Out Today and Build Someone Up

Always encourage others as often as you can as soon as you can. Build them up. Most people are their own worst critics, and our words that build can be the balm that soothes their hurt places and gives them strength for whatever trials they are facing. That doesn't mean we ignore or condone sin, but we can find good things in everyone to encourage them.

Most people are harder on themselves than one would ever be towards a friend. Most of us do not see ourselves accurately until someone is brave enough to say what good qualities they see in us. I am not talking about ear tickling words of flattery but genuine soul loving truth that builds up a person. 

  • "I love how you always think the best of others." 
  • "Your smile can light up a room!" 
  • "The way you handled yourself has changed my thinking about those facing that type of kind of battle." 
  • "You are such a great encourager!" 
  • "The way your faith carries you through things gives me confidence that I will survive trials in my own life." 
  • "I so admire how you took a battle and turned it into a ministry." 
  • "Your level of patience in that situation is amazing!" 
  • "You inspire me to live better." 
  • "Edifying others is one of your gifts." 
  • "Thank you for being such a faithful and hard worker. I appreciate your dedication." 
  • "Your care for me while I was sick was better than I ever hoped to receive.   Thank you!"
  • "I admire how you stood by and loved James during his difficult last days. It was a beautiful example of God's perfect timing and perfect love."

Don't put off the opportunity to say good words to others. No one can hear what you say about them at their funeral. Say them now while your words matter and can do them good. The people in your life are just as needful of your encouraging words as you are of theirs.

Dear Reader, I challenge you to call, text, or email at least one person today and share with them a quality of theirs you admire or respect. It will give a boost in their day..and yours! Be a genuine and caring friend to someone today!

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29