Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Old Holly Tree aka The W Tree


W Tree 

This American Holly tree is about 85-100 years old based on the measurements I took. It is one of the oldest I have seen in person. I had to look at it as soon as we arrived at this place because it had a different shape than I have ever seen. It's because I've never seen on this old! I found a few others around the same age with the same shape online. 

The owner found some vintage hand tools in the branches and in the soil under it. It is very pretty and gives off a lot of four seeded drupes called pyrenes, which most people mistakenly call berries. Cardinals and mourning doves are always around it. When I visit, I like to sit in the shade this tree gives.

For the homeschooling and Sunday School teachers out there, a short lesson under a "W" shaped tree is a good way to illustrate the concept of the Holy Trinity.