Friday, December 31, 2021

He redeems even our darkest moments

Let go of whatever burden of regret you may harbor within your heart. The failed relationships, the lost opportunities, the wasted money, the unhealthy lifestyle choices, the reckless decisions--surrender them and trust that they happened for a reason you may never understand but must still accept as part of your journey. Because here's what you must realize: God did not arrange every single step of your life to this point to leave the weight of your future solely in your hands. ...He provides a blessing and a lesson in what seems to be random, because it's all part of your cultivation. With God, nothing is wasted. He redeems even our darkest moments by allowing us to become a prism of His light. -T. D. Jakes Crushing

Dear Reader, I know you have things you regret just as I do. We all have those things. It's part of living. Let's transfer the things that weigh us down from our hearts to God's Hands. Let's repent of our sins, surrender our hearts, and become moldable for His use. May each of us become "a prism of His light." Let's have the grace and humility to let those who have hurt and disappointed us find rest and growth in their lives too.