Monday, September 30, 2019

He is...


Although our paths had crossed before, Clint and I met "officially" when we were 16. We've been together ever since. I gave him this as part of his anniversary gift. He sent met this picture showing me it sits proudly on his desk at work where he says it reminds him of why he's working. I like knowing my big, strong, hunky husband is thinking of me during his workday.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Be Well On Your Guard

This is a lesson we recently delivered. 

Betrayal is such a hurtful and hard thing to navigate through for anyone especially young people. When children have been mistreated by parents, it sends some confusing messages. That person can grow up to feel betrayal is something everyone does, so they start to do it too. When one feels betrayed by someone else, it is a great time to get some objective feedback from a strong Christian friend and to examine expectations and boundaries.

Betray: to fail or desert especially in time of need. Synonym: backstab, double cross Antonym: stand by*

Beware of the Judas kiss with which the Christ was betrayed

and with which you will be betrayed 

unless you are well upon your guard. 

In the world and from the world 

you will have tribulation!

Dear Reader: Note that Judas was an "insider" and walked with Jesus and the other disciples and was still disloyal to them. This is a reminder to us that many of our hurts come from those we know, even those who claim to walk with Christ. It is a very tough and pain filled road to navigate. 

Sadly, we are all guilty of some type of betrayal to our friends and even our Lord. We try to justify it, but there is no excuse. He forgives us for failing to be faithful to Him and to others. In fact, when we betray others, we are being disloyal to Him. Keeping that in mind helps us stay humble, move forward, and forgive those who betray us. Remember, Jesus KNEW Judas would betray him. He still continued to interact with him and show him love. Jesus is the example I try to follow. -W

for those who like to go a little deeper: 

source-includes the meaning of the Greek words that explain how satan led Judas to sin. Unity in the Body of Believers is worth that flesh (pride for self) vs spirit (good of all over self) battle within ourselves. 

"Judas was used as Satan’s instrument because he allowed the enemy to drive a wedge between him and Jesus. Rather than let go of the disagreement and forget about it, Judas let the issue become a big deal in his mind — something so blown out of proportion that the devil was able to use the offense to lure him into the ultimate act of disloyalty. Because Judas didn’t take his thoughts captive, the devil succeeded in tainting his view of Jesus. This then led to a disastrous effect on Judas’ relationship with Him.

It is important that you learn how to recognize those times when the devil tries to inject a seed of division into your heart. He wants to drive a wedge between you and the people you love. Rather than let him get away with this evil tactic, make a decision to resist every temptation to get angry and offended. By resisting these thoughts, you can take a stand against the devil and protect your relationships.

Learn from the example of Judas Iscariot. Determine that you will never let any issue get so blown out of proportion that it turns you into a disloyal, lying, betraying friend. And if you are hurting right now because someone has recently betrayed and hurt you, choose the route of forgiveness!"

*Helpful hint: When teaching others, it is very helpful, especially with young adults, teens, and children to start with basic definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. English second language friends appreciate the clarity in meaning also. We've found that, not everyone is familiar with the words used, or they may have an incorrect idea of what a word means. It takes only a minute and helps clarify, and often expand, the meaning in the lesson.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

I would rather stand at the threshold

For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside.
I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God
Than dwell in the tents of wickedness. 
Psalm 84:10

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Sleeping Little One


Maggie is a sweetheart, and I often thank the Lord for the gift of her.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

From My Scribble Pad 4



I'm not happy with it, and I didn't finish it, but it's all I've had time for lately.
See the pencil detail in the top petal? I'd like to continue that, but I probably won't.

I am enjoying drawing again, so a BIG THANK YOU to my beautiful and 
amazingly talented daughters for getting me back into it with gift of the art supplies.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bethany's Birthday Mug




While looking for something else, I stumbled across this mug. I purchased it and gave it to Bethany for her birthday earlier this month. I figured since she is always drawing octopuses, she'd enjoy having the mug. I received confirmation when she opened it, sucked in her breath, turned it all around to look at it with twinkling eyes, and hugged it to her chest. They have a giraffe, penguin, seahorse, and unicorn mugs too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Several years ago, I started mentoring some younger wives and mothers on Facebook. I found that a lot of younger women really listen and find what I've learned, through my experiences as a mother of seven, as valuable. They value my thoughts and any tips I can share to make their load lighter. As I have listened to their hearts, I have heard what causes them to struggle. This has changed a lot of what I share and why, not just here, but especially on Facebook.

Some of them shared that they struggle hard when they are having to watch money so closely but see others posting about restaurants, possessions, and vacations. They would love to do those things themselves, but they are having to scrape change together to buy diapers. At the same time, some of the younger women are encouraged by seeing others have "extra." They see it as something to work towards.

As parents, Clint and I went through our own lean times and are enjoying this phase of life. We were frugal and still are. We worked hard, long hours and sacrificed more than most of our friends, due to our living choices and family size, to get where we are today. Life is getting easier, but it is not what one would call easy by any means. Clint's increase in income divided by so many people with three in college doesn't add up to a grand lifestyle, but it is more than enough and for that we are thankful. 

We've earned our right to take breaks and relax a little, but that does not give me the right to ignore the struggles of or lack compassion for younger Christians who are struggling financially. I want to keep those lines of communication open so I can hear their hearts and seize the moments to instruct and encourage however God leads. So, I still share some things, but I try to use a little more discretion in sharing in order to not to discourage those women.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Emily's Friend


We were clearing out a dusty area when this baby blue tailed skink jumped on Emily's arm to spare itself from being crushed. Emily kept it safe while we worked and returned it when we were done. Look at all of those little details put there in this creature to point us to the Master Artist!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

fruit that will last


"You will bear fruit that will last" from John 15:16 is a strong motivator for me to stay close the Lord and hold His Word as the ultimate standard in my life. It drives me to lay down things that are insignificant under the lens of eternity and motivates me to forgive those who have hurt me and enter into peaceful relationships with them. It is what causes me to speak out against wrongdoing, go against the tide, live differently, and encourages me to share His Word and love with others. God's ways are much higher and far more rewarding to us than any other standard. I want far more than what this world offers and what many people are content with obtaining. I want the fruit that will last! 

Dear Reader, I hope you do too. Please pray for me as I pray for you to desire the fruit that will last and to submit to the authority of God's Word in life. Let's go forward together for eternal reward instead of temporary pleasures.

Source: Standing Strong: How to Storm Proof Your Life with God's Timeless Truths Written by a man who loves God's people and knows that we can be victorious through life's trials, this is a book filled with the timeless truths of Bible doctrine to help the reader gain stronger convictions for a lasting faith. For the teacher, this book provides understandable explanations one can use to answer students' questions and because of that, it is a good book to review before or while teaching others. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

2 of Our Men



Bethany took dozens of pictures at this year's party, 
but all were lost minus these two.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thoughts on Peace

Peace is a by-product, a characteristic, from the Spirit of God being active in your life. Peace does not change life's circumstances, but peace gives us a way to navigate through life. Peace is not present when panic is. Peace is not passive, but it is powerful. Peace give us a better experience in life but does not drain us. Peace lightens our load but does not burden us. Peace comes to our spirit by submitting our flesh. Peace comes from being in an intimate relationship with the Prince of Peace and living in obedience. The stronger the relationship with God, the greater the peace. 

A special shout out and much love to our young friends at JMU, WandM, CNU, PSU, VT, and CU. -Aunt W   

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Grief is...

Grief, I've learned, 
is really just LOVE.
It's all the love you want to give, 
but cannot.
All that unspent love gathers in the corners of your eyes, 
the lump in your throat, 
and the hallow part of your chest.
Grief is just love with no place to go.
-author unknown

A single friend 
who says "I am so sorry. I am here to listen anytime." 
is worth a thousand friends,
or maybe 10 thousand friends,
who tell you how you must or must not grieve.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Keep Going!

I've met a lot of Christians who seem to think that once they study the main doctrines, they are finished. They do not study deeper. They do not search the Word for answers to questions that pop up in their lives. They just do what they "feel is best" not caring if they get it wrong or not. 

There are others who have no desire to keep learning from the Author in His Word. "The Bible is boring. It's too hard to understand." They are lazy about matters of faith but diligent about sports or fashion or whatever. Others will make those excuses but will play a game that earns them nothing over and over for hours on end while their Bible and their faith grows dusty.

Then there are the people who sip lightly from the Bible and drink deeply from every other source. They give the same weight to all of it and pick and choose what they believe about God. They mold Him to fit their image instead of learning who He really is and shaping themselves to Him.

Others might read what the popular Christian authors of the day are writing about God's Word. That's like getting a story secondhand. On something so important it affects your entire life and afterlife, don't you think we should go directly to the source? I am not going to settle for second hand teaching when God gave us a book that spells out Who He is and what He wants from us.

Dear Reader, I challenge you to be passionate about God, His Word, and your obedience to it. Be diligent in giving it the right place in your life. It is the only thing in this life you can be sure will steer you in the right direction. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2 Corinthians 10:3-18

We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ. We are ready to punish anyone there who does not obey, but first we want you to be fully obedient.
You must look at the facts before you. If you feel sure you belong to Christ, you must remember that we belong to Christ the same as you do. It may seem as though we boast too much about the authority the Lord gave us. But he gave us this authority to strengthen you, not to hurt you. So I will not be ashamed of whatever boasting we do. I don’t want you to think that I am trying to scare you with my letters. 10 Some people say, “Paul’s letters are powerful and sound important, but when he is with us, he is weak and the worst speaker you have ever heard.” 11 Those people should know this: When we are there with you, we will show the same power that we show now in our letters.
12 We don’t dare put ourselves in the same class with those who think they are so important. We don’t compare ourselves to them. They use themselves to measure themselves, and they judge themselves by what they themselves are. This shows that they know nothing.
13 But we will not boast about anything outside the work that was given us to do. We will limit our boasting to the work God gave us, but this work includes our work with you. 14 We would be boasting too much only if we had not already come to you. But we have come to you with the Good News about Christ. 15 We limit our boasting to the work that is ours. We don’t boast about the work other people have done. We hope that your faith will continue to grow. We hope that you will help our work to grow much larger. 16 We want to tell the Good News in the areas beyond your city. We don’t want to boast about work that has already been done in someone else’s area. 17 “Whoever boasts should boast only about the Lord.” 18 What people say about themselves means nothing. What counts is whether the Lord says they have done well.



Linda Jordan was the woman who led me to the Lord. She also led many of my elementary and high school classmates to the Lord. She was my 1st grade teacher, PE teacher for more than one year, 10th grade English teacher, and Vice Principal of the Christian school I attended. 

When Clint was a boy, his home was in front of the school. He would run around on the school property now and then. One day she saw him and told him about Jesus. 

She passed away on the operating table in 2009. Her death brought many of her students back together through Facebook. We have been encouraging,  strengthening, and being prayer warriors for each other ever since. 

I believe she would be proud God used her exit from the world to reunite her students in fellowship. I am thankful for her instruction and influence in my life for it has helped shape who I am and what I focus on. I share her heart for others to know and grow in the Lord.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Flowers from Me to You

For me, the best thing about getting a bouquet of flowers is the ability to 
give each flower away to another person and make several people's day a little brighter!

Dear Reader, please consider this picture as flowers from me to you. 
Yes, you! 
It's the best I can do. I wish I could send real flowers to each of you to brighten your day, but these will have to suffice. Whoever you happen to be, wherever you are, and whatever you are doing today, I hope you know you are valued by me... 

Even better, I hope you realize the love of the Father for you in a way that it changes you from inside out and extends to everyone you encounter.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Renewal vs Reformation

A friend pointed out to me that man will reform (change into an improved condition) people, but God RENEWS (to make like new: restore freshness, vigor, perfection). It's an important difference. I've heard many praying for reformation in the church when what we really need to be praying for is renewal. 

“Modern Christians hope to save the world by being like it, but it will never work. The church’s power over the world springs out of her unlikeness to it, never from her integration into it.” A.W. Tozer

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Why We Live Where We Do



We moved here because of a job opportunity Clint found and because of the fantastic real estate deal we found on our very private acreage. Then, we fell in love with the people and their wonderful hearts! After we moved, our phone was turned on, someone found us, called, and offered to buy our place for more than we paid. That's when we knew we had something really special. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Stay at Home Mom

You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, training them up in God’s fear, minding the house, and making your household a church for God, as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts. - Charles Spurgeon

Value what God has called you to do. Don't forsake it. Don't give it away, and don't underestimate the impact it can have on you, your children, your marriage, your community, and even the world. God uses people and things the world deems insignificant. Moses couldn't speak well. Josiah was very young. David was a small framed shepherd boy. A small but well placed stone took down a giant. God will do great work through you too, if you let Him.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Soft Crab Sammiches


I was craving soft crab late summer probably for the copper or the B vitamins. Thankfully, we have a place we can get them during our travels. I save half of the bun for a critter and eat the crab with the other half.

"With 1.099 milligrams of copper, 1 cup of crabmeat satisfies 100 percent of the daily requirement for this mineral. Its 57.9 micrograms of selenium satisfy 88 percent of the daily selenium requirement, and its 5.14 mg of zinc meet 47 percent of the zinc requirement. A rich source of calcium, a serving of soft shell crab provides 123 mg of calcium, which satisfies 12.3 percent of the daily requirement for calcium. Lastly, this food provides 8.5 percent of the daily iron requirement for men and 3.77 percent of the daily iron requirement for women". (source)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

fragile clay jars containing this great treasure

We now have this light shining in our hearts, 
but we ourselves 
are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. 
This makes it clear that 
our great power 
is from God, 
not from ourselves.
–2 Corinthians 4:7

Dear Reader, whatever you are going through, know you have "great power" from God. Don't focus on your weaknesses and limitations. Focus on God and how He will equip you. He knew your weak places BEFORE He created you. He made you anyway. He knows you will fail in some areas and make huge messes in others. He loves you anyway. Resolve to do the best you can for His glory and REST in HIS POWER to see you through. Rest knowing He works all things for good to those who love Him. Pass on that love and acceptance He gives you to everyone you can. 

Amanda's Bodacious Pumpkin


This is the first pumpkin Amanda grew at her new home.

For homeschooling friends: Bible Verses for Carving Pumpkins

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

He Wanted A Succulent for His Desk


I found a Baby Groot planter for his desk for under $7.
Clint's happy, and he's received a lot of compliments on it.

Monday, September 09, 2019

Under His Protection

The brakes on my suburban, which weighs 5226 pounds, completely failed tonight while we were pulling a load with our trailer (another 1800+ lbs).* This was just hours after I had been out in it with my three youngest. It was only an hour after Brandon and Joshua made a trip in it with a heavier load.

We had to go home to drop off our girls and then go out again to pick up Clint's car.

We were rolling through a highly trafficked area where people are known for pulling out suddenly. Drivers pull out from two different spots in this particular area. There are some old men here who drive 15-20 miles an hour down the road. Thankfully, nothing bad happened.

Clint was driving and missed our turn.

Me, thinking he needed to get something before going home: "Honey, where are you going? We needed to turn there."

C-Dawg, as calm as can be: "Our brakes are not working. I'll turn back around, and you'll be home in a minute, sweetheart."

Me, knowing he was in control: "OK." I texted Brandon and asked him to meet us at home and give us a ride so we could get Clint's car from where we left it. He happily obliged us. Having family close is a huge advantage!

Clint used the emergency brake to turn into a school. He turned around and got us safely home which was 1.5 miles and 3 turns from where the trouble started. I'm glad God gave me a good man who thinks clearly during emergency situations.

I am thankful the brakes didn't fail while I was driving, but I know how to use the E brake to stop a vehicle. Clint comes up with different life situations and asks us to tell him how we'd respond. We have already well thought out plans in our heads for many situations. This training exercise has helped us in many ways over the years. Clint takes his job as a husband/father seriously. He teaches willing others too.

Dear Reader, thank you for any prayers you may have lifted for my family's safety. Please keep praying for us.

The Lord is good,
a refuge in times of trouble.

He cares for those who trust in him.
Nahum 1:7


Right before the hurricane came through, our opportunity was completed. We just took two big steps ahead toward our long term goals and received an extra blessing along with it!!!! We dreamed of doing this when we were newly married and 19, and now, it is happening faster than we imagined!!!! 

Yesterday, in the sTrAnGeSt of CiRcUmStAnCeS, an old friend recognized Clint. She was so excited to see us because it had been a long while! She actually needed to see us because she had been named executor of a lady's estate so it was an answer to her prayers. She gave us a portion of the lady's estate! We were surprised and very thankful! 

In our travels over the weekend... Amanda found a cat tree/tower and brand new router still in the box. She wanted the cat tree/tower for her pets and needed the router for an upcoming home project. In the course of the three day weekend, Clint found a brand new battery operated drill in the box and brand new skill saw still tie-wrapped in the case. He can put both to use right away. I am deeply humbled at how God looks after my family. We have lacked for nothing. He is faithful and worthy of our praise!

Clint's swamped with work because he is doing his job which is a very full plate... and now he's doing his boss's job too. Our new opportunity needs his attention too. Please pray for his boss's health and for Clint's health, strength, stamina, and endurance because he has so much on him right now. You would think Clint was 30 years old instead of 50 by the way he steps up to the challenges. I have watched him go four days in a row of 15 hour very physical work days in heat and humidity recently. Clint is full of vigor! I am continually impressed by the powerhouse my man is as he gives his very best for his family. He truly puts his mind, body, and soul to loving and taking care of us. God gave me Clint as a best friend, and then He gave him to me again as my husband. 


The only way through it is to just get busy and do it! -Wendy

Not the same as the other mentionings, I have been entrusted with a lot. I do mean a lot. It's overwhelming! I've done similar in the past, but never on this scale. I covet prayers that I will be a diligent steward and that God will bless my efforts in this. I've put in 15 hour days of mostly physical work, and my energy is really lagging today. I'm going back to it later today with my three girls in tow...and maybe a sassy three pound white poodle.

I apologize for typos. Life is extremely busy, and I do not like posting with the tablet. I will get a new laptop sometime soon, I think. 


You can give without loving, but you can not love without giving. 
-Amy Carmichael


through door window

open door

open door

This is the same small female raccoon with a still nursing kit as last time. She will literally lay flat on the table to keep her back feet on the railing. I have to have the camera ready to go with one handing holding it with a finger oddly positioned to push the shutter release button while I open the door with the other hand. She is gone lickety split! But, she always comes back!

Sunday, September 08, 2019

so many crannies

The human heart has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood lurks, is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy, that it often dupes itself. -John Calvin

I think that quote is a good one to illustrate this verse:

The heart is deceitful above all things

    and beyond cure.

    Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9 

The problem is that most people are more focused on guessing what is in someone else's hearts instead of working on what is going on in their own. If you want real Christian growth and the blessings of intimacy with God that come with it, focus on weeding your heart, and let the Lord take care of them. I try to imagine myself standing before the Lord and explaining myself. That exercise helps me in two ways. It makes me realize how very significant my sin is and how very insignificant others are in how I live. Excuses won't fly with the Lord. Get real in your walk! 

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Joyful Lessons




This little lady jumps for joy, claps her hands, and then gives out hugs whenever she sees any of our family coming. She has been waiting on us for over a decade and has seen our children grow up. She gave Joshua tips on how to hold his chopsticks in a more authentic manner recently. I am sorry the photos are blurry. We were all laughing so hard!

Friday, September 06, 2019


I shared previously that I forgave a man, who when he was a young teen, sexually assaulted me (story). 

After I fought my date off, I never spoke to him again. I wanted nothing to do with him and went out of my way to avoid him. I did not think highly of him or what he did to me. I wondered what in the world I did to make him think that was OK. Just thinking of him made me feel disgusting about him and myself, so I put it out of my mind. I gave him no head space. I am mentally strong like that. 

Not long after I went out with this guy, I learned I was not the only date who had this kind of experience. Another girl briefly told me what happened to her, but like me, she didn't tell adults out of fear due to the young man's father's position in the community.

More than thirty years passed. When he came back into our circle of friends, God challenged me in this relationship and would not allow me to go forward in my life. God kept me thinking about him and the situation. No matter how hard I tried to stop thinking about it, I couldn't. I knew my Father was hard pressing me on every side to step up and obey.

I humbled my flesh and submitted my heart to obedience. That sounds a lot easier than it actually was. After that heart change in me, I started thinking about it in a way I had not thought about it before. What if I did not know all I thought I knew about that night? What if it was not about me? I wrote many posts that were influenced by this situation, including this post, to reflect where God had my thoughts: 

"What if there was more to the story? 
Who but God can see the entire picture?"

Maybe I didn't know everything. Once I stopped focusing that one event, I remembered why I went out with him. What I saw in him before did not match what happened. Right where God led me to question, there was an answer. I did learn there was more to the story, but I had to obey God before it was revealed.

I later learned he was receiving pressure from an authority in his life to "become a man" during the time we went out. This explains why the adult did not intervene. I do not understand how a man can welcome his son home with an "atta boy" for getting a girl pregnant while at the same time telling his own daughter "If you get pregnant, don't come home." It's a sick mind with backwards thinking! No wonder women struggle inwardly so much when their own fathers and grandfathers are devaluing them with their sinful mindset.

Sometimes young people are so concerned with impressing adults they make bad choices. I am not excusing his behavior. Neither is he. He knew it was wrong, but there was more that contributed to the event. Adults are big influences on young people.

Fathers, instruct your sons to treat females with respect befitting men of godly character and not as objects to conquer for their own pleasure. If you teach them to use females, 

you are guilty of sin against God, the young man, and the females he encounters.

Even worse, you have lead your child to sin.

"Perhaps the most famous mention of a millstone in the Bible is in Jesus’ warning against leading His children astray. He said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea” Mark 9:42. Causing a child of God to sin will bring severe judgment. If you would find it hard to swim with a millstone hanging around your neck, you should think twice before tempting God’s child." source

Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Writing is on the Wall

Amanda started it.

I added the top part after I saw hers.

"Mom and Dad were here, but now they're gone. They left their name to carry on through their children whom they hold dear, and now you know why..."

"Amanda was here."

No, we won't get in trouble for it. The homeowner loves the banter, and it will eventually be painted over.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

it is not the rock that ebbs and flows

Believe God's word and power more than you believe your own feelings and experiences. Your Rock is Christ, and it is not the rock that ebbs and flows, but your sea. -Samuel Rutherford

Your heart is not the compass God steers by. -Samuel Rutherford

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Don't Waste Your Time

Conflict is something with which all of us struggle. Our local group of young people are no different. They are seeing it in their families, friends, school, colleges, and workplaces.  It's hard for them to know how to navigate  through  some of the circumstances. We've been talking a lot about how it happens and how to navigate through it. 

The situations are diverse, but the issues are pretty much the same. Someone gets mad and mistreats us. We react to their mistreatment, and they get angier and act indignant or worse. How dare we let someone know they crossed a boundary with bad behavior!  Then we get angry about that ...and it goes on and on. Here are some of the things our group discussed. 

Pray hard through the situation. Ask God to give you the strength to take the higher road. Seek the Lord and obey Him. Stop the cycle by changing your own heart and actions.  Resolve to love the other person as best you can through sincere prayers and act kindly towards them when you have the opportunity. Do your part for God's glory! That is the way to victory!

Not all situations will be resolved. Some people aren't Christians so they are not under God's authority to be united as believers. Some Christians do not win that battle between the flesh and the spirit and hold grudges. That's OK. Some people are mentally or spiritually unhealthy and not good to be around. If you are obeying the Lord, He has you right where you need to be with the people you are suppose to be with. Trust Him as He moves people in and out of your life. 

This life is so much more important than petty grievances. See the traps the enemy sets for Christians and avoid becoming ensnared in them. Life is short, and you will be looking back on today's situation before you know it. Be the person you can respect as you look back. Work hard to honor the Lord before self, and be a good witness. Don't get held up by the conflict. Keep those eternal glasses on. Keep on moving forward with grace. If you want to become great in God's kingdom, your flesh has to become weak.

If the person you are having a conflict with won't stop their behavior, put them behind you, and go forward with what God has for you to do. Don't let them hinder your actions or your mind from the Lord's work. Don't give them any head space..focus on your walk. 

You don't have to step on the person or make an announcement as you walk around them to a better place either. Just get around them! 

One day you will be so far ahead of them all they can do is wonder how you got there 

                            ...and why they are still where they are.

#wonwithJesusasourLord #theywillstaybacktherewatching #Hisglory #lovewinsthebattlesinyourheart #winnersrunwithJesus #losersstayintheirflesh #livedit #wepassedanotheronetoday 

to my gang and my crew and my family...Mom/Aunt W loves you! God is going to use all of you in a mighty way. Don't let the struggles in the flesh hold you back in your spiritual journey or with advancement in the workplace. Don't waste your time or energy. Leaders rise above the petty. You mature once you realize most of it is petty and not worthy of your time! I am proud of you for seeing the battles for what they are and rising above them and for seeking counsel. It pricks the pride hard to let things go, but the freedom and growth that comes is priceless! C-Dawg and I are always here to listen, pray, cheer you on, empathize, and celebrate! We love all of you!                                   

(Cross post)

Beautiful Pop Up Card to Perk Up Someone


This is a very pretty pop up card that will make someone feel valued by you. It is perfect for so many occasions. If you need to find something to minister to someone going through a rough time or who just received a devastating diagnosis, this is a good one. It is also perfect for people who can't have real flowers due to allergies. It is pricey for a card, but the impact on the recipient is worth it. If they are like our friends, they will share it with everyone that visits.

Monday, September 02, 2019

Nine Years Ago

First shared April 2010

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I love my current life, but sometimes I miss having littles ones around.
I am so thankful to the Lord for making me a mother and giving me such a deep and lasting joy in it.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Divided Church Made Whole!

We heard an incredible testimony of a troubled church in our hometown where there was a big falling out in the membership. People took sides and let their emotions rule. The church was fractured into many divisions. Christians were not behaving in a Christ-like manner towards each other. 

Many members left, but some stayed because they strongly felt, after a lot of prayer, God wanted them there. Some admit they stayed out of stubborness not to let the others "have our church." At different times, people would reach out for healing only to be rejected by the ones they were reaching towards.

It took a year and a half, but those who stayed praying and hoping for a restored church body shared that they witnessed "the most beautiful work" of God in healing and restoring relationships this year on Easter. People who had not spoken to each other in over a year were humbled as the spirit of God moved over them during Easter service. Tears were shed. Hugs went around and around and around. Praises were lifted for the healing and answered prayers!

Many relationships were healed instantly by God through the realization of how their pride was keeping part of the Body of Christ from being restored. They repented of their sin then and there. Then the humbled hearts responded to the Holy Spirit's work in their lives and reached out to the people they were against in attitude.

Our friends, more than one family, rejoiced that they stayed in the relationship with their church even when it was hard and everything was pushing them to seek out another church. They would have never witnessed the amazing, life changing miracle of God if they had abandoned the church to avoid the people they didn't agree with.

It is often the one most against the relationship that needs/gets the biggest change of heart. They will run into wall after wall in their personal life wondering why God doesn't respond to their prayers when they aren't responding to God in their relationships. It's not God holding them back or ignoring them; it's their own disobedience and rejection of God's calling to them to make a change. I've been that person resisting the restoration of a relationship and have seen God work in this way in my life. I've also heard the testimonies of many others who have experienced the same.

God truly does work all things to good for those who love Him, and He has you in the circumstances you are in to teach you something valuable. At the same time, He may be teaching the other side something too! It may be that your differences are just what is needed to grow both of you in the weak areas of your lives. 

Know that He loves you, even as you struggle, and He loves them too.  He wants you to love them more than you love yourself. Praying for them is Biblical, but it should not supercede giving God authority in our dealings with them. If they are dedicated Christians, they probably praying for you in the same ways you are praying for them! 

Through Jesus, I found healing and am friends with a man who once sexually assaulted me when I was young. He did some terrible things against me. I did not know he had turned his life around. I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to reach out to him. I didn't want to and put it off for a short time. He was afraid to reach out to me. When I finally placed God in authority over that relationship, I obeyed and reached out to him. 

I discovered he found the Lord and regretted what happened. We are more than friends. We are brother and sister in Christ!! If God can fix that broken heap of a mess, He can help you in your situation too. With God, all things are possible! 

Dear Reader, I am praying with you over your broken relationships.