Clint has been asked many times why our family is so different and so happy despite trials and tribulations. He's told them why: Jesus!
I have been awoken from a deep sleep with the name of a friend's sister with the strong urge to pray for her. I learned later she was being raped by knife as her husband was forced to watch.
We've asked God to help us make sense of something that did not make sense. He revealed hidden knowledge that explained it.
Our home flooded, to the point it was declared a FEMA natural disaster, at the same time I gave birth in a hospital in a hurricane.
We've opened the door to a knock to be told we had to leave our home immediately because winds were sending a fast moving fire in our direction. Our home was spared.
We were the first responders to a fatal car accident. The help we gave the survivor and the care we gave to the deceased family allowed us to share God's love with many people of that neighborhood. That was the event that had us start this blog.
A young man walked out of our woods and asked for our help and protection from "friends" who drove him him from the city, pulled a gun, and threatened to kill him. He jumped out of the car and ran into the woods on another road, and somehow ended up at our home. My husband spent time witnessing to him as he drove him home.
We've laid our heads down and had to jump out of bed and evacuate because our barn was on fire, and the winds were pushing the flames and embers towards our home. Our home was spared once again.
God blessed our lives and my womb 14 times with 16 souls. He took nine away and gave me a tender-hearted ministry to mothers with aching hearts and empty arms.
Last year, Caleb had his gas pedal get stuck, not once, but twice! He was a newly licensed driver in heavy traffic. He had to call upon the Lord for help. He's since shared the story with co-workers.
Joshua had his SUV jump into gear and move towards him as he was opening our gate. He had to jump out of the way. Our gate was bent inwards from the force of the SUV. He gives God the glory for protecting Him.
Brandon had an elderly woman pull out in front of him. He knew the impact would kill her. Cars were in the other lane. He called upon the Lord in that frightening moment. He still does not know how it worked out that no one was harmed..other than with God's help.
Immediately after receiving a very large blessing, an unexpected and very violent storm took down trees that fell very, very close to where our family was sleeping. We were unharmed. We didn't even know how close it had come until later, so we had no fear.
We had someone shoot into the front of our home in the direction of four of us. No one was harmed. And again, we did not know the danger until it was over. God let us sleep peacefully.
Our family is a walking testament that God will carry you through any trial you face. He will use you right where you are. You can have an abundant and victorious life when He is the reason you live.
I do not know what you, dear reader, are going through right now. I do know He will carry you as He has our family. May you look back and see God's goodness to you all the way through! May the stories of God's provision and protection to our family give you hope and strength with whatever difficulty or challenge you face.
God's story is being written through your life moment by moment. I challenge you to grasp ahold of the opportunities that come your way to share His goodness to you with as many people as you can.
Telling people about His goodness to our family was the main reason this blog was started. Our family has chosen to live out loud for Jesus, and I hope you will too. He is by far too good to us for any of His people to be silent about Him.
“Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.
Luke 8:39
So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,
Matthew 10:32
I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages.
Charles Spurgeon