Thursday, February 21, 2019

One of a Kind Artwork

We had another window pane we were not using. Isn't God good?! We swapped it out with the one sporting the holes. One of our children moved the screen with the hole in it to another window so our youngest children did not have to look at it every time they went to the bathroom. You can't really see the hole in the curtain unless you look.

When opportunity presents itself, I make a visible reminder (monument) to remind our present and future family of what God has done. 

We have an old hand pump God kept pumping when we desperately needed water to clean our belongings after Hurricane Isabel. 

We have a beam standing on our property to remind us of when our lives and home were spared when our large barn fire occurred. 

We have a large tree stump we point to and remember when God sent someone with a chainsaw when we asked Him for help. 

We have silhouettes of the babies we never held that have prompted people to ask how we survived losing so many. 

These physical reminders are very powerful visual tools that have not only reminded us repeatedly to keep God's goodness fresh in our minds as the years pass, but to also spark conversations that lead to witnessing with others. 

As a young mother, I got the idea make these important visual reminders of God's work in our life from a Bible study I did. God told the Israelites to build a monument to remind them and their generations of what He had done for them. Can you think of the story? I challenge you to read it. See Joshua 4

What God honoring monuments can you make in your home or on your property to give witness to God's goodness? They make wonderful conversation starters that can help you share your testimony.

But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you 
and protect you from the evil one. 
2 Thessalonians 3:3