Saturday, May 22, 2021

I've been taming lions.

This is a pretty blue tortoiseshell.

At one of the nice homes I watch, there are three feral cats.
It's a growing problem in their area. It's a growing problem in many areas.
The community there has joined together to provide sterilization, medical care, and food. 

When I am there I have been working to tame down three.

I now have two of three I can pet and pick up. The last one is making strides. It now comes out to watch me while I work with the others. If I can tame them down enough I may be able to find them a home. They will never be housecats, but they may make great mousers on a small homestead in exchange for food and affection.

When I was a small child, I would run through the humongous weathered barn on my grandparent's farm to catch the wild kittens. Then I'd work to earn their trust until I could hold and pet them.

It doesn't take a lot of effort, but it does take patience.