Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Math is not hard.

Are you seeing 1-4% increases or more? The hamburger patties that use to cost me 19.99 are now $24 (25% increase). The ground beef I use to purchase for $40 now costs $70 (75%). The oranges that I use to pay $5.99 for are $7.60 today (26%).

Have you noticed less quality in products including food, less quantity for a higher price, more filler items on the shelves, and more spaces between the products? What is that telling you? Are there indicators this will improve soon? or not improve for a long while?

What about consumer goods? noticing higher prices with less quantity and quality? 

Are you doing your own math or just believing what you are told? Do governments use narratives to keep people calm? 

There are times it is good to close your ears and open your eyes. This practice has served me very well in letting me SEE through the words of others. Observe more. Do your own thinking.

Have you studied the history of the Philippines and Venezuela? Are you aware of exactly how those people have to survive? 

You've heard about the Great Depression, but have you studied it? Have you read accounts from people who lived through it? The people who survived it were proactive early, strong mentally, and quickly adapted to the changing world around them. Are you familiar with how they made do? recipes? obtained things they needed?

I speculate we only have several easier months to prepare. Fall to late winter? Maybe another year? I base my speculation on what I know about the crop forecast (from several farmers), food reserves, and commercial food storage.  

Pray. Prepare yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically. Do not delay. You are alive for this time period for a reason. God has a purpose for you to fulfill. Prepare to shine for Him!

My love to all.