Monday, May 17, 2021

Joshua's Dream

On the night of the 11th, Joshua was dreaming he was very late to work. He woke up around midnight with a start. In his not fully awakened state, he thought he really was late to work. 

He looked at his phone and sees it is 12 something and thinks it is 12 noon. He thinks, "I am so late. I need to call my bosses and let them know." So, as he is dressing he gets a call through Melanie. Her voice mail takes over, so Joshua leaves a hurried message and hangs up.

He calls April, a co-worker, wanting to let someone at the restaurant know he's coming. Our whole family loves April and looks forward to stories about April. She is a character! April answers her phone. Joshua asked her, "Are you at work?"

It's midnight. A half-awake April says, "Are YOU at work?"

Joshua: "I tried to call Mel, but she's not answering her phone. I need to let someone know I am on the way."

April: "Joshua?!!! Are you okay?"

Joshua is trying to fasten the pants he frantically put on and pulled on with one hand. He hangs up the phone so he can finish dressing and get out the door.

He opened his door and saw pitch black. He stood still a moment as his mind figured something was really off. Then he realized what had happened. He was so embarrassed he called his boss and April. He only got about 4 hours of sleep after that.

Joshua gets to work today and as soon as April sees him, she says in her high-pitched voice, "WHAT THE H BOY?!!!! You messed up my sleep!!" Then she asked if he is OK. 

During the early part of his shift, Joshua received a call from Mel asking him if he was at work and if everything was alright. He told her he'd explain when she got there. 

He told his co-workers the story and everyone said laughed with him. They ALL said they had had similar dreams at one time or another. 

None of them had called his boss AND a co-worker though. 

Well, I did teach them to go the extra mile! :-)