Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Still True Today

First shared December 7, 2013: (I now have nine baby losses.)

Because of my eight losses in childbearing, I am more willing to share my painful experiences with people who are hurting. Where before I'd hesitate or make excuses, now I think, "Lord, because of the hurts you have allowed, I have the understanding of their brokenness, but please give me the words." I had some very incredible experiences ministering to other mothers in CHKD while Caleb was there. I've also had some interesting conversations with strangers while out shopping, and some people I have known most of my life have confided in me about their hurts too. 

Stopping to help someone who ran out of gas, I met a stranger who is a Christian and was going through a tremendous battle at home. She was already so weary, and then she ran out of gas. It was about all she could handle. I was able to build her up by listening and sharing some of what God has shown me. She cried and hugged me and told me I was sent from the Lord to her that night. I noticed the state trooper who used his lights to keeps us visible in the heavy traffic was quietly listening too. God did not allow me to keep my babies, but He gave me experiences that are making connections for Him. He can do the same in your life with your hurts, if you let Him.