Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Gift for Our Nutrition and Health


I went to a friend's house and picked the dandelion seed heads, with permission, so I could bring them back to the farm to grow. 

Dandelions are so good for us! They were valued so much, colonists brought them with them. The nutritious leaves can be eaten like a salad. The roots can be ground and used like coffee. The plant contains medicinal properties. Society kills off the plants that bring us health and in its place grows stuff that isn't that good for us. It's counter-productive when you think about it. Some people spend so much money on food, and then they spend a pile of money on weed killers. It's a shame dandelion and other "weeds" get such a bad rap and bad treatment. God gave these things to us for our benefit, but only a minority accept the gift of them. The way dandelions are treated reminds me of a more precious Gift many won't accept.