Friday, April 24, 2020



This is for my animal loving friends:

I visited Brandon last week. When I walked into his home, Journey rocketed out of the room to hide. After she heard my voice, she would come out and run circles around me and then go hide again. Over and over. So, when Clint and Brandon went outside, I sat on the floor and waited. At first, she'd dart past me and hide. Over and over. I knew she had to burn off the anxiety before she could settle herself, so I sat still and kept waiting. 

Sure enough, she came and sat just a couple of feet away. That's when I took the picture. We sat like that for a few minutes, and then I snapped my fingers. When she lived with me, snapping my fingers is how I communicated with her that I was going to give her food or a pet. She responded to the snaps by coming closer and after a few seconds allowed me to pet her. Then, she was in my lap letting me know she remembered me! I smiled as I petted her thinking about how far she has come.

Journey is a really cool creature. She's overcome so much in her short life. Her fear gets her running and hiding, but she always comes out to try again. I really like that about her. Brandon and I accept her as she is, and don't try to force her to be more than she is. We enjoy her uniqueness! That seems to be the best way to relate to all living things, especially people.