Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Life Changing Moment Just Happened...

Excuse her hair. We had been working outside earlier on this windy day.

It got LOUD in this house today!!
God is doing His thing!!
For our brothers and sisters in Christ, please rejoice with us!!

Emily gave her life to Jesus today at exactly 3 p.m.

It happened in the middle of a very busy day with so much to do and so many distractions. One would never have expected the Holy Spirit to move, but He did. My daughter is now my sister in Christ!

I asked her what her favorite song was, and she told me "Sunrise" by Brandon Heath. She said she didn't understand the meaning behind some of the lyrics, so we discussed them. We talked about how life can get very, very hard, but the hope we have through knowing Jesus and our faith in Him makes all of the difference and helps us survive the rough parts. Through tears, she gave her life to Jesus right then and there.

Please join us in prayer that Emily will run her race well, that her faith will grow quickly and strongly, and that she will speak boldly for Jesus working heartily for Him using every opportunity to point others to His love and saving power. Please also join us in asking the Lord to surround her by strong believers who will invest in her as a person and encourage her to grow in the Lord and that He will remove negative influences from her life.