Sunday, May 31, 2020

benefits of living by God's Word


  • helps you discern the right path from the wrong
  • heals your wounds
  • encourages you
  • reveals truth you couldn't have known otherwise
  • and makes your life rock solid

I have experienced those things in my walk with the Lord, and you can too.

"Friend, your conviction about Scripture affects all your decisions and way of life. It influences who you become. It determine whether you are able to stand strong. ... Will you live by your preferences? Will you make choices based on your likes and dislikes and whatever seems best to you in the moment? When making a decision, do you first consider whether it will make you feel good, benefit you, or make you look good to others?

Or, will you live by God's Word--His fixed principles of conduct and character? Will you navigate your life according to what the Father says and form your beliefs according to what He says in Scripture? Will you take everything you "think, believe, and hear and conform it to what the Lord says?"

Source: Standing Strong: How to Storm Proof Your Life with God's Timeless Truths was required reading for leadership.