Tuesday, May 26, 2020

So, I Found This Today...


Little unexpected things like this give me so much joy!

Hannah has a cat who lives outside. Her name is Bean. She is kind of skittish with the rest of us, but she loves our Hannah! As a kitten and young cat, Bean kept getting beat up by all of the other cats, so she started sleeping in a chicken nest box. It was the only way she could get any peace. She would hang out with the peafowl and chickens and eat the table scraps we threw to them. Even in winter, she stayed warm and cozy, and the birds did not mind her around. I watched her find her place on our farm and thought she was pretty smart for hanging with the birds. Today, Emily and I were putting down fresh litter (ground cover), and I noticed Bean acting weird. The cobby little cat was running back and forth frantically. I asked Emily to check the nestboxes. Emily didn't know why, but she obeyed. Emily's expression told me I was right as soon as she opened the first box! So, I got to not only see the kittens, but I also saw Emily's joy in finding them. Double blessing!

I pulled a 10 hour day of heavy labor outdoors today. I am beat, but I wanted to share the cuteness. Love to all!