Saturday, May 09, 2020

Inexpensive Hydroponics Planters

I've used the Kratky method for hydroponics with good results. I do not want to add to our electric bill or have to ask my hard working husband for help with plumbing, so this works well for me. Simple. Inexpensive.

The newspaper helps keep light out which prevents algae from growing. If I do the hydroponics outside, I use black plastic or landscaping fabricI will work to further limit light from the top once it is planted.

The large reservoir is another recycled pretzel container.

I used a lighter to heat a paring knife and melted the drainage holes. I will probably use my wood burning tool next time. I added many more holes to the bottom and sides after the picture was taken. I multi-tasked by snapping the picture while handling a farm sale coming slowly up our long driveway.

Seriously, you can use whatever you have around to create pots, seed starting trays, and reservoirs. Money is wiser spent in quality heirloom seeds, lighting (I use two like this.), seed mats (I use a heating pad without auto shut off. They last longer.), rockwool cubes (sterile, cleanable, reusable), etc. 

Check the recycle code. As long as it is food safe (<--handy font="" site="">you can use it for gardening. All of the containers pictured below are  food safe containers that were given to me or recycled from our home. I give the shampoo and conditioner containers an extra long soak in water that has some salt in it. Salt water has a pulling action that helps remove things. I use salt water for pulling out small splinters, infections in wounds, infections in sinuses or throats, etc. It's a good way to clean fruits and vegetables too.

Gardening doesn't have to cost a fortune unless that is what you desire. Gardeners are great recyclers! We are good at swapping seeds and plants too. I personally feel reusing items instead of sending them to the landfill is a perfect compliment to gardening.

It's a little hard to see, but I am using the inverted tops of the shampoo and conditioner containers as planters. I'm going to rig something up to keep the tops from falling inside. The ketchup container has a deli container on top of it. The lid to the ketchup container is now under a pot to catch drainage. I melted holes in the deli container and will use a wick system. 

I like hydroponics, but I still highly recommend 
planting in soil because it is GOOD for you! 
There are antidepressant microbes in soil
Gardening can help make you happier!