Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Coronavirus and Pride

Like most everyone else, I have strong opinions about what is going on, but the reality is that my opinion is worthless. No regular person's opinion is important in this. Is my opinion going to change anything? Is yours? 

Do either of us have enough data, knowledge, experience, and wisdom to make policy decisions or to tell everyone else how to live? 

Pride is the root of very arrogant thinking and words. Pride assumes to know how others should live. Pride makes us angry and ugly. It makes us sin against others making demands for things for which we have no right. Pride divides marriages, families, co-workers, churches, and nations. Pride is sin. 

Dear Reader, The words we say and the actions we take in this coronavirus event reflect our hearts. Let's use this time to weed out what doesn't belong and cultivate godliness. If we are focused on God and His promises while reflecting on and weeding our own hearts, we are too busy to be elevating self assuming that we know better than those in power or those around us. Unity among believers is very important right now. If you have not done a Bible study on unity, I highly recommend it. 

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. 
For there is no authority except from God, 
and those which exist are established by God. 
Romans 13:1