We are a Christian homeschooling family of 9 sharing experiences on our 14 acre farm in rural Virginia. Blog entries could feature anything going on in our lives: our walk with Christ, triumphs and struggles, homeschool, family life, helpful hints, tips for large family living, rural living, herbal medicine, etc. If you enjoyed your visit, please drop us a line at contentmentacres@yahoo.com
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Dr. Joshua Part 2
If you remember this post, then you know why we haven't stopped laughing over the comments in this article.
Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV strained and ready to be bottled
We made it in a food grade 5 gallon bucket and got 4 gallons.
We made it in a food grade 5 gallon bucket and got 4 gallons.
People who know how good it is for health love receiving it as a gift.
Culinary lovers like having it flavored with different herbs and spices.
Culinary lovers like having it flavored with different herbs and spices.
apple peels from apples we ate (added to the bucket off and on)
a bit of mother from leftover ACV (You can let it naturally happen too.)
a bit of mother from leftover ACV (You can let it naturally happen too.)
$90.72 worth homemade ACV with mother
(based on current Walmart Bragg's prices)
(based on current Walmart Bragg's prices)
satisfaction of doing it yourself
apple peelings still get fed to the poultry but with a beneficial dose of ACV
Our making our own ACV started as a homeschooling science project a couple of decades ago. It's so easy! It literally took just a few minutes work. We put the peelings in the bucket, add water, add the mother, cover the bucket with a cloth, and let it sit.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Jerusalem Artichokes aka Sunchokes
Jerusalem artichoke tubers
I try to add a perennial vegetable or fruit crop to our farm every year.
They are related to sunflowers. They spread very quickly but can be contained with deep borders or container gardening. These are also called "sunchokes" and grow readily in almost any soil and like full sun. They don't mind clay or poor soil, but they do not like places where water stands for long.
Planted and pruned at the right time for maximum yield, one tuber can turn into 25 others in a single growing season. Again, pruned at the right time to prevent the pretty flowers, they reach the size of small to medium sized potato. They do not have to be dug up until you are ready to eat them. That's like hidden cache of food!
They can be eaten raw or baked like potatoes. The one drawback is that they can make one toot as their inulin feeds beneficial gut bacteria. Because of the benefit, people eat them to heal their digestive system. Eating them in moderation or a little soak in lemon juice is advised to help prevent the musical notes. Raw, they are like water chestnuts. Cooked and seasoned, they are much like a potato.
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
Luke 8:15
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Accident Where the Boys Work
She was on the road beside the restaurant traveling in the lane opposite of the blue pickup seen in the photos. There is a median between that truck an a lane, and there is another median she crossed just out of view of the picture.
She ran through one median, hit another median, become airborne, went through three small trees in another median, and landed in the parking lot where the car skidded a ways before striking the pole.
Two of Joshua's and Caleb's co-workers were working outside helping take/deliver orders through the second drive through lane. The car went very close to where the teens were standing. Police said a few feet further, and the teen girls would have been struck and caught between the car and a concrete barricade. The three trees altered the car's course and helped keep them safe. One of the young ladies was so shaken, she went home to be with her family.
Police arrived very quickly because several other people had reported she was driving recklessly 20 minutes earlier.
The driver still had her accelerator depressed, but, thankfully, the drive shaft had broken so the car could not move. They could hear her racing the engine inside the restaurant over the running equipment. In other words, regardless of the objects she hit, she would have kept traveling if her car was drivable. She didn't even realize how bad the wreck was. I am so thankful no one else was injured.
The driver was still smoking her cigarette when helped arrived. She could not understand instructions to put it out. A paramedic quickly grabbed it out of her hand and extinguished it because of the leaking gas which is covered in kitty litter in the pictures. The driver was taken to the hospital for neck pain, but we do not know how serious the injuries are.
Police asked her if she had been drinking. She indicated she had. They asked her how much. She said she lost count. They asked her when did she stop drinking. She said, "Right when you pulled me over, officer." Police said she was doing 68 mph through the parking lot.
My children walk through that lot and the surrounding area a few times each work day. I am very thankful they and their co-workers were not harmed.
Caleb will have to make repairs and will need be there to assist the workers who will have to replace the light.
The driver is the mother of a girl who works there. The driver clearly has a substance problem. Her husband had just argued with her about her drinking and had poured her stash out. She rebelled by going out to buy more alcohol. This was her 4th DUI. Her husband is in law enforcement, and this reflects badly on him. Please pray with our family that she gets the help she needs and is very receptive to that help.
A Gift for Our Nutrition and Health
I went to a friend's house and picked the dandelion seed heads, with permission, so I could bring them back to the farm to grow.
Dandelions are so good for us! They were valued so much, colonists brought them with them. The nutritious leaves can be eaten like a salad. The roots can be ground and used like coffee. The plant contains medicinal properties. Society kills off the plants that bring us health and in its place grows stuff that isn't that good for us. It's counter-productive when you think about it. Some people spend so much money on food, and then they spend a pile of money on weed killers. It's a shame dandelion and other "weeds" get such a bad rap and bad treatment. God gave these things to us for our benefit, but only a minority accept the gift of them. The way dandelions are treated reminds me of a more precious Gift many won't accept.
alternative medicine,
Monday, April 27, 2020
A Close Call
It has been a very eventful day.
A co-worker of Caleb's and Joshua's was almost hit by an out of control car. Please pray for the teen. She had a big scare and was taken home to rest with her family. I will TRY to share pictures and the story tomorrow.
I am weary. There has been a lot of very bad news from our circle of friends today. Prayers for God to see to their needs and to renew my spirit are appreciated. My love to all!
A co-worker of Caleb's and Joshua's was almost hit by an out of control car. Please pray for the teen. She had a big scare and was taken home to rest with her family. I will TRY to share pictures and the story tomorrow.
I am weary. There has been a lot of very bad news from our circle of friends today. Prayers for God to see to their needs and to renew my spirit are appreciated. My love to all!
Germination Test
I think about my paternal grandmother and the seeds in damp napkins
on her kitchen counter whenever I do this. She use to ask me if I wanted to see if they had sprouted. It was like opening a present to see the living seeds inside!
She'd then take them to the garden and plant them and the rest of the packages. I never saw her throw any away, but I am sure she did.
We eat the chia seeds for the nutrition. I decided I'd check those while I was doing the garden seeds.
Dear Reader, I love this verse which tells us to both work hard and keep trying different things because we don't know which of our efforts will succeed. Clint and I have applied this to many areas of our lives from financial to homeschool teaching methods to ministries to gardening. I hope this verse encourages you to keep trying different things in different areas of life. Don't give up!
Sow your seed in the morning,
and at evening let your hands not be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.
and at evening let your hands not be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.
Ecclesiastes 11:6
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Coronavirus Video (Good News)
offers a different viewpoint than what we are hearing
also makes a shocking claim about numbers
It's Radical
"I am the way,
the truth,
and the life.
No one
can come to the Father
except through me."
John 14:6
There are only two conclusions you can draw from this claim made by Jesus. Jesus was a liar, and countless multitudes have been deluded into following him. Or...
He is the son of God, your eternity rests on Him, and countless multitudes recognize Him as Savior.
Dear Reader, please carefully consider the implications of His words.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10:27-28
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Coronavirus Article (positive news)
Sunlight Kills Coronavirus Quickly, Says Top DHS Scientist
"In the briefing, Bryan summarized the findings of the experiment, which showed that the virus's half-life was 18 hours when the temperature was 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with 20 percent humidity on a non-porous surface. However, the half-life dropped to six hours when humidity rose to 80 percent. It fell again to just two minutes when sunlight was added to the experiment."
Dear Reader, It's a very busy season with lots of good things going on at the farm. I wanted to drop a little positive news for those struggling. Prayer is our best weapon, and we should be using it continuously for our loved ones, our leaders, our states, our country, our world, and for our own needs and concerns. Keep your eyes on the Lord on off of the troubled waters around us. He is in charge!! Is anything too hard for our God? Does anything take Him by surprise? Does He love and care for His children? Are you one of His? If you are not sure of the answers to any of those questions and would like to discuss them, please email the address in the header. Love to all of you from all of us!
"In the briefing, Bryan summarized the findings of the experiment, which showed that the virus's half-life was 18 hours when the temperature was 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with 20 percent humidity on a non-porous surface. However, the half-life dropped to six hours when humidity rose to 80 percent. It fell again to just two minutes when sunlight was added to the experiment."
Dear Reader, It's a very busy season with lots of good things going on at the farm. I wanted to drop a little positive news for those struggling. Prayer is our best weapon, and we should be using it continuously for our loved ones, our leaders, our states, our country, our world, and for our own needs and concerns. Keep your eyes on the Lord on off of the troubled waters around us. He is in charge!! Is anything too hard for our God? Does anything take Him by surprise? Does He love and care for His children? Are you one of His? If you are not sure of the answers to any of those questions and would like to discuss them, please email the address in the header. Love to all of you from all of us!
Seed Banking
I have always kept a lot of seeds on hand. One reason is because I have a large immediate family. Nine, now really 11, people eat a lot. We love giving away produce to external family and friends. I also can, dehydrate, and freeze garden produce. Extra seeds are needed for sharing or trading too.
I'd rather have seeds I have to throw out, which is very, very rare, than to not have seeds that can allow me to feed my family and friends. Keeping plenty of seeds on hand is also another type of insurance against difficult times.
I save seeds from plants I grow and food we eat. I also buy them online, in small packets in the stores, and in feed and seed stores in bulk. A pound of seeds is really inexpensive for what you get. When I buy a lot of seeds, the feed and seed stores always give me extra ounces for free which is really nice! For example, if I buy 6 ounces of seeds and only an ounce or two is left in the bin, they very often throw those in for free. I love it!
My seed storage is based on a three year system. I garden year around, so I keep one year's worth of seeds in use. They are stored in an old sewing case. One set goes in a recycled canister with a tight fitting screw on lid under our stairs. I keep the third set of seeds in a second canister in our freezer and have it marked to not be removed.
I'd prefer to keep both in the freezer, but it won't work in my home. Even with multiple appliances, space is at a premium. One is the best I can reasonably expect the family to jockey around when they hunt for an item. I know their limits, so one goes under the stairs where it is cool and dark.
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy;
break up your fallow ground:
for it is time to seek the LORD,
till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
break up your fallow ground:
for it is time to seek the LORD,
till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Hosea 10:12
Friday, April 24, 2020
This is for my animal loving friends:
I visited Brandon last week. When I walked into his home, Journey rocketed out of the room to hide. After she heard my voice, she would come out and run circles around me and then go hide again. Over and over. So, when Clint and Brandon went outside, I sat on the floor and waited. At first, she'd dart past me and hide. Over and over. I knew she had to burn off the anxiety before she could settle herself, so I sat still and kept waiting.
Sure enough, she came and sat just a couple of feet away. That's when I took the picture. We sat like that for a few minutes, and then I snapped my fingers. When she lived with me, snapping my fingers is how I communicated with her that I was going to give her food or a pet. She responded to the snaps by coming closer and after a few seconds allowed me to pet her. Then, she was in my lap letting me know she remembered me! I smiled as I petted her thinking about how far she has come.
Journey is a really cool creature. She's overcome so much in her short life. Her fear gets her running and hiding, but she always comes out to try again. I really like that about her. Brandon and I accept her as she is, and don't try to force her to be more than she is. We enjoy her uniqueness! That seems to be the best way to relate to all living things, especially people.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Coronavirus (positive experience)
A few times a year, we go into neighborhoods for needed organic materials for our farm. I never have enough. I never, ever turn down any leaves, straw, grass clippings, pulled weeds, branches, mulch, discarded landscaping, etc. I can put them all to good use in relatively short order.
I think we picked up 45 bags of yard "waste" last night, and it will be nowhere near enough for my needs. Without exaggerating, I could easily make use of 10xs or 20xs that amount. It would take me awhile to sort it, unpack it, and move it around, but every bit would be put to use.
As we picked up the needed organic materials off of neighborhood curbs last night, there were cars in every driveway in the neighborhoods we went through. Normally, there are very few cars and just the occasional dog walker or bike rider. 👋I am a waver.👋 On previous trips, sometimes people would wave, sometimes not.This time was markedly different! Almost everyone waved back!
Scores of people were outside! Families were walking their dogs together. Children were riding bikes. Couples were working in their yards. People were waving, smiling, saying hi, and some took time to converse with us (from a distance). They were grateful their hard work to clean up their yards would be going to our livestock and gardens. Some even asked us to come back tonight to pick up what they clean out today.
Everyone was smiling and in a great mood! I have never seen that many people at home and outside moving around in a neighborhood before. It was surreal. It looked like one of those movie scenes showing the utopian suburban neighborhoods. It was very encouraging!
We also met a man, originally from Tennessee, who gave us approximately $350 worth of gardening materials. He, Clint, and Brandon dug them up in a hurry so we could have them. I only kept two pavers and some garden edging for myself. I gave the many landscaping stones and scalloped concrete tree rings to Brandon for his home. I certainly could have used it, but I will enjoy seeing what he does with it.
Dear Reader, Let's pray in agreement together that the beneficial things stick with people and become a frequent practice.
I think we picked up 45 bags of yard "waste" last night, and it will be nowhere near enough for my needs. Without exaggerating, I could easily make use of 10xs or 20xs that amount. It would take me awhile to sort it, unpack it, and move it around, but every bit would be put to use.
As we picked up the needed organic materials off of neighborhood curbs last night, there were cars in every driveway in the neighborhoods we went through. Normally, there are very few cars and just the occasional dog walker or bike rider. 👋I am a waver.👋 On previous trips, sometimes people would wave, sometimes not.This time was markedly different! Almost everyone waved back!
Scores of people were outside! Families were walking their dogs together. Children were riding bikes. Couples were working in their yards. People were waving, smiling, saying hi, and some took time to converse with us (from a distance). They were grateful their hard work to clean up their yards would be going to our livestock and gardens. Some even asked us to come back tonight to pick up what they clean out today.
Everyone was smiling and in a great mood! I have never seen that many people at home and outside moving around in a neighborhood before. It was surreal. It looked like one of those movie scenes showing the utopian suburban neighborhoods. It was very encouraging!
We also met a man, originally from Tennessee, who gave us approximately $350 worth of gardening materials. He, Clint, and Brandon dug them up in a hurry so we could have them. I only kept two pavers and some garden edging for myself. I gave the many landscaping stones and scalloped concrete tree rings to Brandon for his home. I certainly could have used it, but I will enjoy seeing what he does with it.
Dear Reader, Let's pray in agreement together that the beneficial things stick with people and become a frequent practice.
Be Compassionate and Thoughtful as They Grieve
"Loss is loss, whatever the circumstances. All losses are bad, only bad in different ways. No wo losses are ever the same. Each loss stands on its own and inflicts a unique kind of pain. What makes each loss so catastrophic is its devastating cumulative and irreversible nature." -Jerry Sittser A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss
You have no idea what factors are in play that can make a person's grief much worse. Past and current abuse, other losses, guilt, negative thought patterns, and religious beliefs can all be interplaying and creating a greater sense of grief than you may realize. Things happen in crises that people do not feel comfortable sharing because the details are too horrific. I've learned this from counseling women who are struggling with grief.
Don't compare your grief to theirs. Grief is not ever the same. When we suffer a significant loss, we enter a relationship with grief. How we respond to grief and how we navigate through it is as unique as human to human relationships. You do your grief your way, and please, let others do theirs their way.
If you want to minister to them, go to them. Sit with them in person. If you can't be there, "show up" often with texts, messages, calls, video chats, and snail mail. Listen. Let them be free to express themselves verbally and emotionally without shame or judgement. Don't have expectations on how they should navigate through their grief. Just come along beside them and let them know they are loved, valued, and normal. Encourage them to share. Having one compassionate person who really listens and understands makes a big difference.
You have no idea what factors are in play that can make a person's grief much worse. Past and current abuse, other losses, guilt, negative thought patterns, and religious beliefs can all be interplaying and creating a greater sense of grief than you may realize. Things happen in crises that people do not feel comfortable sharing because the details are too horrific. I've learned this from counseling women who are struggling with grief.
Don't compare your grief to theirs. Grief is not ever the same. When we suffer a significant loss, we enter a relationship with grief. How we respond to grief and how we navigate through it is as unique as human to human relationships. You do your grief your way, and please, let others do theirs their way.
If you want to minister to them, go to them. Sit with them in person. If you can't be there, "show up" often with texts, messages, calls, video chats, and snail mail. Listen. Let them be free to express themselves verbally and emotionally without shame or judgement. Don't have expectations on how they should navigate through their grief. Just come along beside them and let them know they are loved, valued, and normal. Encourage them to share. Having one compassionate person who really listens and understands makes a big difference.
child loss,
ministry idea,
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Congratulations to Joshua!
Joshua did the right thing in reporting employees who were costing the company money. By not following the proper procedures, they were letting food sit too long which led to it dropping in temperature and having to be thrown out. A lot of food was being thrown into trash bins.
Joshua asked the employees involved to follow the guidelines, but he was ignored and made fun of by them.
So, Joshua quietly went to his boss knowing it would make the employees angrier with him. His boss corrected the situation quickly and gave Joshua a $1 an hour raise!!
Our entire family is proud of Joshua for doing the right thing even though it was not easy!
Joshua asked the employees involved to follow the guidelines, but he was ignored and made fun of by them.
So, Joshua quietly went to his boss knowing it would make the employees angrier with him. His boss corrected the situation quickly and gave Joshua a $1 an hour raise!!
Our entire family is proud of Joshua for doing the right thing even though it was not easy!
Marsh Periwinkles and Survival Skills
These snails are called Marsh Periwinkles. They are edible.
One good thing the empty shelves in the stores seem to have accomplished is to make people more aware of their need for survival skills. I am very thankful for the survival skills I have acquired since becoming an adult. We've tried to pass many of them down to our children and the young people in our ministry. Some pictures of these activities have been in the blog.
I don't eat snails. I'm a blue crab kind of girl. I would be thankful for periwinkles if I needed them, but thank the Lord, I do not need them. However, I know where they are and how to use them to take care of my family. Now, you know they are edible too!
I sought out basic survival knowledge decades ago, so I'd have it if I ever needed it. Knowledge of practical things is often looked down upon. "Why would someone in my position ever need to learn something like that?" Because everyone needs clean water, sustenance, and medicine. Those three things are essential to everyone's survival.
If one doesn't know how to keep oneself alive, one can't keep anyone else alive either. Anyone who can't take care of themselves is a burden. We can't minister to others in bad situations if we do not have the skills to do so. People save money for hard times, but forget to gather knowledge for the same.
If one doesn't know how to keep oneself alive, one can't keep anyone else alive either. Anyone who can't take care of themselves is a burden. We can't minister to others in bad situations if we do not have the skills to do so. People save money for hard times, but forget to gather knowledge for the same.
Today, I rejoice because I can enjoy the snails doing their thing and don't need to eat them. Down the road of life, I might rejoice that I know how to find them and use them for food.
The lowly ant, that God instructs us to learn from, knows what she can and can not eat in her surroundings. The knowledge of what we can eat around us gives us an extra measure of safety, which is a synonym for refuge, in very challenging times.
The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
Proverbs 27:12
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
Proverbs 27:12
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Coronavirus: He did the math (positive news)
Jon simply did the math based on the new antibody testing results in LA county and figured out the death rate. Looking at the math and relaying facts along with his personal opinion really ticked some people off. You will find the source he used in the link.
I might crack a joke about math now and then, but one does not successfully run a large family/farm/businesses without utilizing it frequently. Math can reveal truth to help us understand and react to a situation for our good. The information math reveals can also help us around our very stubborn confirmation bias.
Should you care to know, I have been tested, for what it's worth, and found to have a very low confirmation bias. That means I tend not to anchor onto early information as fact and am very open to new information that may change my mind. This has helped me in finances, mothering, homeschooling, relationships, and in many other areas of life. Any situation can use a second, third, and even tenth look. Conflicting information must be examined to discover the truth. What we think we know often changes, but you've read that here before. Here are a few tips on how to lower confirmation bias.
The math is showing us that the virus has spread much more widely than anyone even dared to publicly speculate. That lends support that it has been here longer than thought which is what many people in the medical community have been saying. It also means that it is not killing as high of a percentage of people. This is good news! I hope this gives you comfort.
Dear Reader, I hope you are doing well through this situation. If you need a someone to talk with or even to unload on, I am here. If you are local, I can drop off a meal or other supplies. I can dance outside your window to make you and your neighbors laugh. If you are distant, we can chat on the phone, play a game together over the internet, host another watch party, etc. Thank you to the ones who shared the more frequent posts are a help. I will try to include more positive news articles, family stories, and pictures.
I ask for your prayers for my friends who are struggling financially and mentally. God made us all different. Some personalities rely on friends to help themselves cope through situations, and those people are having a much harder time right now.
Please excuse typos. I came across this at the last minute and thought the numbers would be good to share. The rest just shows you my line of thinking.
I might crack a joke about math now and then, but one does not successfully run a large family/farm/businesses without utilizing it frequently. Math can reveal truth to help us understand and react to a situation for our good. The information math reveals can also help us around our very stubborn confirmation bias.
Should you care to know, I have been tested, for what it's worth, and found to have a very low confirmation bias. That means I tend not to anchor onto early information as fact and am very open to new information that may change my mind. This has helped me in finances, mothering, homeschooling, relationships, and in many other areas of life. Any situation can use a second, third, and even tenth look. Conflicting information must be examined to discover the truth. What we think we know often changes, but you've read that here before. Here are a few tips on how to lower confirmation bias.
The math is showing us that the virus has spread much more widely than anyone even dared to publicly speculate. That lends support that it has been here longer than thought which is what many people in the medical community have been saying. It also means that it is not killing as high of a percentage of people. This is good news! I hope this gives you comfort.
Dear Reader, I hope you are doing well through this situation. If you need a someone to talk with or even to unload on, I am here. If you are local, I can drop off a meal or other supplies. I can dance outside your window to make you and your neighbors laugh. If you are distant, we can chat on the phone, play a game together over the internet, host another watch party, etc. Thank you to the ones who shared the more frequent posts are a help. I will try to include more positive news articles, family stories, and pictures.
I ask for your prayers for my friends who are struggling financially and mentally. God made us all different. Some personalities rely on friends to help themselves cope through situations, and those people are having a much harder time right now.
Please excuse typos. I came across this at the last minute and thought the numbers would be good to share. The rest just shows you my line of thinking.
Who is that Masked Man?
As of last Wednesday, Clint, Brandon, and Amanda have
to wear masks when they work.
Brandon can work from home most of the time.
All three of them have their offices and can have them off when in them.
The masks are made of cotton and have to be washed daily.
All three of them have their offices and can have them off when in them.
The masks are made of cotton and have to be washed daily.
Each employee was provided with only two.
The rumor mill says more are coming and might be in another style.
After that happens, I may be sewing them each some extras.
Joshua and Caleb have to wear black bandanas as masks where they work.
The rumor mill says more are coming and might be in another style.
After that happens, I may be sewing them each some extras.
Joshua and Caleb have to wear black bandanas as masks where they work.
Waaaaay Back
Me, left foreground. Sometime in the 80s.
We were playing Uno.
We were playing Uno.
Most of us are still friends today.
No discord is involved.
No discord is involved.
One doesn't use social media, so we can't keep up with her as easily.
The other no one can find.
Where are you Yvonne Taylor?
Where are you Yvonne Taylor?
Monday, April 20, 2020
He Knows My Heart
A bunch of our friends got a big kick out of this when I told them about it,
so I figured I'd share it here.
This was a gift from my beloved for our 34th DATING anniversary.
It's not one but TWO LOADS OF CRAP!
I texted that thought to him. He said he was suddenly laughing out loud in the middle of bunch of bewildered strangers in Home Depot! I smile every time I walk by the pile which is several times a day.
It's not one but TWO LOADS OF CRAP!
I texted that thought to him. He said he was suddenly laughing out loud in the middle of bunch of bewildered strangers in Home Depot! I smile every time I walk by the pile which is several times a day.
It's not all aged manure though. It's a little over 2 cu yards of a special and bit pricey compost for my garden. We have purchased all kinds of material for our garden beds, but this is by far the most expensive!
I am experimenting with growing medicinal and culinary mushrooms on our farm, so I needed this particular mix which only has a percentage of manure in it. I am also using it for other things in our garden. It won't last long!
I am experimenting with growing medicinal and culinary mushrooms on our farm, so I needed this particular mix which only has a percentage of manure in it. I am also using it for other things in our garden. It won't last long!
Clint also purchased a little more than I asked for because he knows I will share a few bucketfuls with neighborhood gardeners.
I am sure some of you are thinking I've lost my mind wanting such a simple thing. It's certainly not glamorous, but it makes me very happy to have it. It's a gift only fellow gardeners will appreciate.
I can put this to practical use right away and eventually it will yield a harvest which will bless our circle of family and friends. That is what gives me joy and means so much more to me than an evening out! I am tremendously blessed to have a husband who knows my heart and responds to it.
I can put this to practical use right away and eventually it will yield a harvest which will bless our circle of family and friends. That is what gives me joy and means so much more to me than an evening out! I am tremendously blessed to have a husband who knows my heart and responds to it.
Coronavirus Article: How the Body is Affected in the Worst Cases
How Coronavirus Affects the Body
If you are fearful of the virus, I strongly recommend you skip this article. It is not for those who are struggling. There is no shaming in that statement. We all struggle with something sometime or another.
If you are like me and are fascinated by the science of illnesses and your mind churns on how to interrupt a negative process/find solutions, then you will find this information very interesting.
I already knew a good deal of this from my own research. I have also corresponded with master herbalists who explained how chemicals in certain plants, like Cinchona Bark and Salvia Miltiorrhiza, can alter the course of the virus.
For those interested: I have a .pdf from a master herbalist with details how herbal medicine can interrupt the normal course of the virus. You're welcome to it. My EMAIL is in the header. No calls or texts about this please. I must have your email to send it. I try to check email throughout the day when I come inside from the garden to take a break. Give me some time to reply. Love to all!
If you are fearful of the virus, I strongly recommend you skip this article. It is not for those who are struggling. There is no shaming in that statement. We all struggle with something sometime or another.
If you are like me and are fascinated by the science of illnesses and your mind churns on how to interrupt a negative process/find solutions, then you will find this information very interesting.
I already knew a good deal of this from my own research. I have also corresponded with master herbalists who explained how chemicals in certain plants, like Cinchona Bark and Salvia Miltiorrhiza, can alter the course of the virus.
For those interested: I have a .pdf from a master herbalist with details how herbal medicine can interrupt the normal course of the virus. You're welcome to it. My EMAIL is in the header. No calls or texts about this please. I must have your email to send it. I try to check email throughout the day when I come inside from the garden to take a break. Give me some time to reply. Love to all!
From the grape's point of view,
that year in which they were picked and crushed
seemed devastating at the time,
but for the vintner
and later for the fortunate few
sipping the delicious bottle of wine
from that vintage,
the year now seems like a blessed time,
a time of transformation.
-T. D. Jakes Crushing
Sunday, April 19, 2020
All Departments of His Life
A true disciple does not consider Christianity
a part-time commitment.
a part-time commitment.
That person has become a Christian
in all departments of his life.
He has reached the point
where there is no turning back.
- AW Tozer
Dear Reader, it is so important to self examine and self discipline to make certain we are living out our convictions. All of us can find more ways to do better in representing and serving the Lord. I know the ways God has convicted me. What areas of your life have you left God out of? How can you make those line up with Scripture?
Dear Reader, it is so important to self examine and self discipline to make certain we are living out our convictions. All of us can find more ways to do better in representing and serving the Lord. I know the ways God has convicted me. What areas of your life have you left God out of? How can you make those line up with Scripture?
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Dr. Joshua
Joshua went to work in his plague doctor get up!
He purchased it over a year ago when he was studying that time period. He had no idea how relevant it would become. He was thrilled when people asked him how the mask worked because he got to share something he loves...history! His co-workers LAUGHED (the goal), and they had some really good discussions.
He purchased it over a year ago when he was studying that time period. He had no idea how relevant it would become. He was thrilled when people asked him how the mask worked because he got to share something he loves...history! His co-workers LAUGHED (the goal), and they had some really good discussions.
Dear Reader, Humor is a wonderful tool. We can use it to lighten the mood and help others know they aren't alone.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
Coronavirus Study Results (positive news)
I've been waiting on these results, and they just came two hours ago.
The results are in for the Stanford CoVid-19 antibody study of the population of Santa Clara, CA. The results are in the bottom image. They are very, very interesting.
What the study results mean is that the virus is far, far more prevalent, 50 to 85 times more so, than the estimated active cases. What that indicates is that it is far more widespread and has been around a lot longer than thought. So very many doctors and nurses have said that it has been here much longer than we thought. I know a few personally who have told me that directly. There are many others on the internet. Fakebk pulled down two threads I was following with over 1k comments of people (mostly healthcare workers) saying the same.
Look again at the 50 to 85x. Wow! I mean, WOW!
What these results also mean is that it is far, far less dangerous than previous and current estimates. If the reports by doctors that are saying other things like pneumonia are wrongly being counted as coronavirus, then it is even less deadly.

I have yet to have anyone answer why normal pneumonia
deaths fell off so sharply this year. Click image to read source urls.
I hope Stanford repeats the study to see how the spread was affected by the lockdown. Will we see that the multiple Stanford PhDs who advised we continue to live normally so we could spread it to develop herd immunity were correct? It's starting to look like it.
If this study bears true, then all we have done is slowed down that natural process, or in other words, shot ourselves in the foot. We would've developed herd immunity (aka indirect protection) to CoVid-19 much faster by letting the healthy interact by living their normal lives. We should have handled coronavirus like we have with all other viruses by letting the healthy work and sheltering those with the highest risk.
Another doctor's thoughts:
Another doctor's thoughts:
“What people are trying to do is flatten the curve,” Wittkowski said. “I don’t really know why. But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong … widen it, and it takes more time. And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary.” According to Wittkowski, failing to allow the virus to circulate has prevented the nation from developing herd immunity. ... “With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity,” Wittkowski continued. “About 80 percent of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children. So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about four weeks when the virus has been exterminated.” Source
On This Day (3 of 3)
On this date in 1986, Clint and I told our families we were dating. Since our friends figured it out, we figured we had better tell our family before someone else did.
Although I knew her from when I was much younger at the grocery store where she worked, I "officially" met Clint's mother for the first time on this date. Clint was so enthusiastic as he told his mother I was his girlfriend. I will never forget his pride in that moment.
Clint also gave me his class ring on this day. It was far too big. I melted a white candle and poured wax in it to make it fit right. I gave him my ring which fit his pinkie finger. Both of these rings are in my jewelry box today.
Our beginning is unique in many ways, but that is a story for another day. We didn't have a clue of what was down life's road for us. Our Father put us together knowing what was ahead and what we each needed. He has led and looked after us every step of the way. Looking back, we can see His hand on our life, and that gives us peace and comfort for the uncertain times we are in today. He is worthy of our trust and our praise!
Friday, April 17, 2020
On This Day (2 of 3)
On this date in 1986, which was our Junior year of high school, Clint and I told our friends we were dating.
Well, they kind of guessed. Someone said we were caught kissing, but I honestly can't remember. It was a small rural school. Once one knew something, they all knew it. So, pretty much everyone at school knew that day.
Clint's new class ring also arrived on this day, but he wanted to wear it for a day before he gave it to me. He only wore it that one day. He never wore it again.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
On This Date (1 of 3)
On this date in 1986, my best friend, the one who listened to my thoughts when I was dating his friends asked me to be his girlfriend. We had grown very close over the last year.
I said yes.
He told me he had lost his class ring playing football at friend's house, but it would be in soon.
He said he'd give it to me as soon as he could. He didn't give it to me as soon as he could have, but I was OK with that.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
3 Days of Dates
One thing quarantine has been good for is catching up with friends. An OLD friend from high school recently asked when Clint and I started dating. That had me asking, "Well, do you call it official when he first asked me, or when he gave me his ring, or when we let everyone know?" "Uh, most people do that the same day, don't they?" "No, not Clint and I."
Tomorrow starts the remembrance of the three days that tell the story of Clint's and my beginnings as a couple. Some of you remember those days well because you were there when they happened. Clint and I look back on them with fondness in our hearts. We take these three days every year to reflect on how blessed we are and what God has done. We were young teenagers and didn't have a clue, but God definitely had a plan.
This year with so much uncertainty, we are especially thankful we have these three days to remind us and our children that even when we do not know what is ahead, we know the One who does. What the Father has planned for His children is good.
The memories shared are just a few sentences each because my work in the garden is long. The story is only special to us. It's also a little crazy when we think about it.
For those who asked: I am also recovering from my fall* over Easter weekend. Love to all from all of us!
*Any hopes of me developing a cool superpower are lost because the feeling of fire shooting from my fingertips has left me. Haha! Seriously, I'm doing better.
Tomorrow starts the remembrance of the three days that tell the story of Clint's and my beginnings as a couple. Some of you remember those days well because you were there when they happened. Clint and I look back on them with fondness in our hearts. We take these three days every year to reflect on how blessed we are and what God has done. We were young teenagers and didn't have a clue, but God definitely had a plan.
This year with so much uncertainty, we are especially thankful we have these three days to remind us and our children that even when we do not know what is ahead, we know the One who does. What the Father has planned for His children is good.
The memories shared are just a few sentences each because my work in the garden is long. The story is only special to us. It's also a little crazy when we think about it.
For those who asked: I am also recovering from my fall* over Easter weekend. Love to all from all of us!
*Any hopes of me developing a cool superpower are lost because the feeling of fire shooting from my fingertips has left me. Haha! Seriously, I'm doing better.
but toward Him
Through it all, Job never stopped praying. Yes, he complained, but he complained to God. He doubted, but he doubted God. He screamed and yelled but he did it all in God's presence. No matter how much agony he was in, he continued to address God. He kept seeking Him. And in the end, God said Job triumphed...not because Job's heart and motives were always right, but because Job's doggedness in seeking the face and presence of God meant that the suffering did not drive him away from God but toward Him. And that made all the difference. -Timothy Keller
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
be as shrewd as snakes
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.
Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Matthew 10:16
shrewd: showing sharp powers of judgment
Cognitive dissonance causes us to fight hard against changing our beliefs/perceptions. If we were not in a war on this earth, why did God tell us to armor up and fight against the schemes of the devil? Do you think satan is passive? Do you believe he is actively working against us? Should we pray sincerely and ask God to expose these schemes to us and others? Ask Him to shine a bright light of Truth on any area where you are believing incorrectly.
Christian, we need you to join the battle, but you can't fight against it when you are willingly, and even eagerly, blinded to it. Please also note: I am not telling you WHAT to believe. I am pointing out Truth found in Scripture and am asking you to seek the Lord for wisdom and knowledge. I did this years ago and am amazed at where God has taken me and my family since.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Quality Takes Time
The same is true for you. God is at work, and there's no place too dirty for Him to use as the rich soil of your maturation and spiritual fruition. Wherever you are, or whatever your dirty place might be, look around you and allow the Master to adjust your way of thinking. God is not done with you yet. Quality takes time, and you are God's masterpiece. -T. D. Jakes Crushing
Monday, April 13, 2020
More Positive News
Article from Israel. "This is how it is all over the world. Both in countries where they have taken closure steps like Italy and in countries that have not had closures like Taiwan or Singapore. In such and such countries there is an increase until the fourth to sixth week, and immediately thereafter moderation until during the eighth week it disappears." source
West Coast governors announce they will create joint plan for reopening economies
Northeast governors form groups to discuss reopening
South Dakota Site for Clinical Trial of Hydroxychloroquine and CoVid-19
The following video has been sent to me by several friends. When I first watched it, I was intrigued and hoped to get time to research it. However, since I saw it, TEN of my friends, living in three different states, have suspected cases of CoVid. All of them were told by their doctors to include the tonic water (contains quinine). There must be something to it if doctors are prescribing it. I would like to research it, but it's spring which is a very busy time on the farm. If you do research, please share the information and sources with me. Dr E on Quinine and CoVid-19
West Coast governors announce they will create joint plan for reopening economies
Northeast governors form groups to discuss reopening
South Dakota Site for Clinical Trial of Hydroxychloroquine and CoVid-19
The following video has been sent to me by several friends. When I first watched it, I was intrigued and hoped to get time to research it. However, since I saw it, TEN of my friends, living in three different states, have suspected cases of CoVid. All of them were told by their doctors to include the tonic water (contains quinine). There must be something to it if doctors are prescribing it. I would like to research it, but it's spring which is a very busy time on the farm. If you do research, please share the information and sources with me. Dr E on Quinine and CoVid-19
Fishing and Fannies
I went fishing over the weekend. I was watching my step, walking along slowly reeling in my line, glancing at the pretty sailboat off in the distance, and talking. When all of a sudden, weeeeeee!!! I slipped in the mud and went down fast and hard! My feet went straight out in front of me, and I landed solidly on my fanny!
Everyone was worried for me at first. After seeing I was OK, we all laughed! All the way down and even after I landed I held on to my rod and kept reeling in my line! I didn't miss a beat!
On that particular trip, we didn't catch anything except for my current aches and pains. I should have taken my camera instead of my pole. We watched an egret stalking food in the grasses. A very hungry red tailed hawk was fighting off black buzzards for something along the edges of the marsh. We also saw, quite up close, a majestic two year old bald eagle! It had a very large fish that was still trying to escape the strong talons gripping it. The young eagle showed us there were fish just out of reach of our poles.
I love feeling something hit my line, setting the hook, reeling it in, and landing a fish! I do not enjoy baiting the hook, but I do it because it helps me reach my goal of obtaining those exciting moments. Long ago, I learned nearly everything has its downsides.
To get to the enjoyable parts of life, you have to go through the not so pleasant parts. Even then, things still might not go like we hope, but we can take joy in whatever comes. Quick trips to the ground make you sore, but the laughter makes great memories.
Sometime today, after I get my to do list knocked down quite a bit, I am going to study the tide charts, water temperatures, and weather. Then, I am going to make plans for another fishing trip. Maybe we will see more stunning wildlife. Maybe we'll catch fish. Maybe I'll stay upright. Whatever comes, we'll make the best of it!
Everyone was worried for me at first. After seeing I was OK, we all laughed! All the way down and even after I landed I held on to my rod and kept reeling in my line! I didn't miss a beat!
On that particular trip, we didn't catch anything except for my current aches and pains. I should have taken my camera instead of my pole. We watched an egret stalking food in the grasses. A very hungry red tailed hawk was fighting off black buzzards for something along the edges of the marsh. We also saw, quite up close, a majestic two year old bald eagle! It had a very large fish that was still trying to escape the strong talons gripping it. The young eagle showed us there were fish just out of reach of our poles.
I love feeling something hit my line, setting the hook, reeling it in, and landing a fish! I do not enjoy baiting the hook, but I do it because it helps me reach my goal of obtaining those exciting moments. Long ago, I learned nearly everything has its downsides.
To get to the enjoyable parts of life, you have to go through the not so pleasant parts. Even then, things still might not go like we hope, but we can take joy in whatever comes. Quick trips to the ground make you sore, but the laughter makes great memories.
Sometime today, after I get my to do list knocked down quite a bit, I am going to study the tide charts, water temperatures, and weather. Then, I am going to make plans for another fishing trip. Maybe we will see more stunning wildlife. Maybe we'll catch fish. Maybe I'll stay upright. Whatever comes, we'll make the best of it!
Not even a "pandemic" can stop the Asbells from rejoicing over our Redeemer!
We had a very nice worship, meal, and family time.
We hope you did too!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Happy Eas✞er
to our family and friends
near and far, old and new
close and estranged!
He is RISEN!
God gave His only Son because He loves us so very much! For our sins, Jesus suffered and died horrifically on a cross. He was entombed, and then He rose again on the third day in victory over sin and death! It is because of Him we have forgiveness and eternal life! It is because of Him and His gift we celebrate Easter!
Dear Reader, I know Easter is different this year due to the quarantines. I hope that no matter who you are, where you are, or what is going on around you, you take time to reflect on what was done for us. I hope you still observe and rejoice in the most wonderful Gift ever given. Eternal life is ours. Jesus has made us more than conquerors because of the debt He paid! There is not a trial or tribulation out there that can overshadow that FACT!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3
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